Relaxing at the Dentist’s Office? Yes, It Can Happen!

Soothing sedation dentistry in Celina, TXRemember what it was like when, as a child, you had a splinter lodged in your finger? It hurt, but there was also the fear of having it removed. Would it hurt even more? Maybe you could just leave it there and hope for the best? At the office of Dr. Newton, who offers sedation dentistry in Celina, TX, we treat many patients who have a similar anxiety about visiting the dentist. Dental anxiety is extremely common, affecting an estimated 80% or more of Americans. Of those, a large number experience anxiety so severe that they go years without setting foot in a waiting room.

Sedation Options for Your Dental Visit

Our foremost goal is to ensure that you receive much-needed dental care, whether as a means of prevention or to address an infection or damaged tooth. Most patients are familiar with “laughing gas,” which is nitrous oxide gas delivered through a mask covering your nose. This option works well for patients who have mild anxiety, and for those who must be able to drive their own vehicle to and from the appointment. For more severe anxiety, Dr. Newton may recommend oral sedation, or a combination of nitrous oxide and an oral sedative. If you choose either of these options, you must arrange for transportation to and from your dental visit.

Self-Soothing Techniques

Of course, sedatives are only one option for reducing feelings of nervousness during your dental visit. Many of our patients prefer alternative or holistic means of mellowing out:

Deep breathing: Also called diaphragmatic breathing, this technique helps quell your body’s natural response to stress, the choice between fight and flight. By contracting the diaphragm, the muscle immediately above your stomach cavity, you can gradually lower your rapid heartbeat.

Muscle relaxation: When your body becomes stressed, it causes your muscles to clench and lock more forcefully than usual. Progressive muscle relaxation begins with targeting the largest muscle group in your body. Tighten these muscles, then release them before moving on to other muscle groups. YouTube and WebMD are excellent resources for progressive relaxation tutorials.

Need more information about sedation dentistry in Celina, TX? To learn more about your options, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Newton, contact us at 214-851-0130. We welcome patients living in McKinney, Plano, Frisco, Gunter, Pilot Point, and the neighboring communities.