Dental Emergency: Are You Ready?

If you’re not ready for a dental emergency, you may find yourself out of sorts and frantic if you suddenly require dental care. However, if you are prepared (just in case something unexpected happens to your smile) then you can calmly contact us, while keeping your cool. Not sure how to get ready but you would really feel relieved to have a plan? Don’t worry! We can help you get the details figured out.

Remember, Check Whether It’s A Dental Emergency

If you’re dealing with a true medical emergency, you’re not going to want a dentist to help you. What you need is a visit to your nearest emergency room (or to call 911). What if you’re unsure? Ask yourself the following questions and skip the dental visit if you answer “yes” to either or both:

  • Are you experiencing severe blood loss?
  • Are you worried for your life?

When A Dental Problem Occurs

Whether your tooth begins to hurt (and doesn’t stop), you’re in serious discomfort, you break or dislodge a tooth, you can’t get food out from between your teeth, or anything else that cannot wait for a regularly scheduled exam happens, it’s a dental emergency! Here’s what you need to do to prepare:

  • Make sure you have our contact information handy. You might want to write it down somewhere visible (like on a note you keep on your fridge) or enter the details into your cell phone.
  • Ask someone you trust and who can drop everything at a moment’s notice if he or she will be your contact if a dental emergency should occur. Make sure this individual is happy to help in whatever way you need (maybe you need a ride to our practice or you need someone who can pick kids up from school).