How We Treat Snoring And Sleep Apnea

celina snoring sleep apneaWhen you snore frequently or feel tired during the day, this could mean the presence of a serious disorder known as sleep apnea. Our team knows how to diagnose and treat these concerns, so you can feel more relaxed. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist looks at how we stop snoring and sleep apnea.


Snoring occurs when our airways have been partially blocked. This obstruction by soft tissues means that as you breathe, soft tissues are vibrated to create a loud noise. For some, factors like excessive alcohol consumption before bed or sleeping on your back could increase the risk of a loud, obnoxious sound. But often, this could indicate the presence of a serious disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. Without treatment, this not only impacts how you and your significant other sleep, but the disorder could also strain your immune system and heart health!

Sleep Apnea

With sleep apnea, the same soft tissues that partially obstruct airways could do so completely. When this happens, you literally stop breathing for a few seconds until the brain registers a drop in oxygen and wakes you. While you may not remember being woken up, this could still interrupt your REM sleep, so you feel exhausted during the day. The disorder may make you wake struggling to breathe or gasping for air. You could feel tired and irritable during the day, and have trouble concentrating on tasks or with your short-term memory. As we mentioned above, this could also impact your immune system’s strength and stress your cardiovascular system. When you encounter one or more of the symptoms we discussed above, we hope you will reach out to us for treatment with an oral appliance.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Our team will take detailed digital images and measurements of your smile from multiple angles, and use the information to design and custom-fit an oral appliance, a device that will look and fit like a mouthguard. You will wear the device at night, and this provides an alternative to the traditional CPAP machine. Once in place, the appliance will shift the position of the jaw and tongue to keep airways free of soft tissue collapse, so you breathe without interruption and wake up feeling more rested and alert. The device itself is easy to use and clean, and can travel with you too!

If you have any questions about how we treat sleep disorders like sleep apnea and help you stop snoring in the process, then contact our team.

Schedule Your Visit for Sleep Treatment

We want to help you wake up each day feeling more rested and alert. To learn more about our custom oral appliances, call Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX, today at 214-851-0130.