Stopping Periodontal Disease Before it Starts

Stopping Periodontal Disease Before It StartsRegular brushing and flossing habits, as well as regular visits to the dentist are strong foundations for good oral health. When these important steps are neglected, a film of plaque (formed by the natural interaction of bacteria, saliva and food particles) stays on the teeth, hardening into tartar deposits, and irritating and inflaming the gums. Breaking the cycle in this inflammatory state (gingivitis) is the key to stopping periodontal disease before it gets started.

Signs of Gingivitis

When gingivitis (gum inflammation) is getting a foothold, you may notice your gums become red or swollen. There may be bleeding at the gum line, particularly when brushing or flossing. The gums may be irritated, and they may pull away from the teeth. At this stage, it may be possible to reverse gingivitis by careful attention to brushing and flossing habits. If you need guidance, an office visit will allow our dental hygienists to show you efficient methods of taking care of your teeth.

Progression to Periodontal Disease

If left untreated, gingivitis will usually progress to periodontal disease. At this point, the bacteria has worked its way deeper under the gum line. Gums may more noticeably pull away from teeth, making the teeth appear longer. As the bacteria continue producing toxins under the gum line, and the body defense mechanisms produce enzymes to fight the infection, the connective tissue holding teeth in place may become weakened. Teeth can become loose, and eventually gum tissue and bone can be affected. Untreated periodontitis has been linked in some studies with more serious problems.

Prevention is the Best Solution

There are options for treating periodontal disease, but the best solution is prevention. A few minutes of daily care will pay off in keeping your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. If your teeth and gums are in good shape, keep up your healthy habits and have your teeth professionally cleaned a twice year. If you suspect you may have a problem, please make an appointment for a consultation. We can examine the situation and discuss the next step.


To learn more, schedule an appointment with Dr. Newton at Celina Family Dentistry by calling (214) 851-0130. Located in the 75009 area, we serve patients of all ages from Celina, Prosper, McKinney, Frisco, Anna, Pilot Point, and the surrounding areas.