Get Confidence This Christmas with Cosmetic Dentistry

Get Cosmetic Dentistry This TreatmentAre you worried about your upcoming work party, all because of insecurities related to your smile? Do you dread the annual family photo on Christmas Eve, because you hate showing your teeth so much? Have you avoided hanging out with friends, lately, for fear they will notice the visible damage to your teeth? If so, it sounds like what you really want this Christmas is the confidence that comes from having a beautiful smile! Fortunately, you don’t have to wait on Santa’s help, if smile enhancements are on the top of your wish list. Instead, it is time to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. From whitening treatment to porcelain veneers, there are a number of ways a dentist can help to hide imperfections and leave patients with more beautiful smiles, and the confidence that comes with them!

Brighten Up with Professional Teeth Whitening

The most common esthetic complaint is teeth staining. That is because the teeth’s enamel is strong and durable, but porous. So, over time, the teeth can begin to look discolored, dingy, and even deeply stained, based on the foods and drinks consumed, and especially in the case of tobacco use. Fortunately, professional teeth whitening can help to break up those surface stains, and then to lighten the teeth visibly, often by eight or more shades.

Professional whitening is also designed to create those noticeable results, quickly, so you can enjoy the benefits of a brighter smile, quickly.

Hide Imperfections with Bonding or Veneers

For more comprehensive concerns, such as inconsistencies in the size or shape of the teeth, as well as minor spaces between the teeth, cosmetic bonding and porcelain veneers are both great options. They can help create more symmetry and hide permanent imperfections, such as overly sharp-looking teeth or intrinsic discoloration.