If you’ve taken a look at the information we provide on our website for you to consider regarding dental implants, you have just begun to scratch the surface. You might like what you see very much and immediately have the foresight to visualize yourself with a complete grin with the assistance of implants. What you also notice immediately is that you want to learn more, you have lots of questions, and there are some details you are just itching to discover! We’d love to get you started out with essential facts. For more, come on in to discuss your tooth replacement options!
Your Care With Implants
There’s your home care that you need to complete. Then, there’s your professional care. At home, you brush and you floss just like you’ve been doing since you were a kid! At our practice, you receive cleanings and checkups twice each year. Notice something? Yep, you guessed it: You maintain a smile with dental implants in almost the same way you maintain a completely natural smile!
The Extra Stuff
As you know, these are not going to be your real, natural teeth. They might look just like them and function in an almost an identical fashion. However, there may be a couple differences that lend themselves to a couple unique care factors. Not to worry: It’s is very simple. Think through the following:
- You’ll need to be thoughtful about not placing too much pressure on your implants. While this is similar to something we might say for your natural teeth, it’s important to remember that extended, consistent, excessive pressure on implants can cause them to fail.
- You may need to learn to floss slightly differently around your dental implants, possibly with a new type of floss, in order to thoroughly clean your smile. We will show you what to do and it will become second nature!
Learn All About Your Implant Maintenance
If caring for implants has got you a bit concerned, we encourage you to relax and talk with us about the details. You’ll quickly discover care is very easy. Get the information and treatment you need in Celina, TX by contacting Celina Family Dentistry to schedule a visit today at (214) 851-0130.
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