Start Your ClearCorrect™ Journey

celina clearcorrect alignersDo you wish your smile could be even and free of crowding or crooked teeth? Then you need orthodontic treatment to straighten your smile. Instead of metal braces, we can offer a cosmetic alternative with clear aligners. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about ClearCorrect™.

The Causes and Impacts of Poor Alignment

How does a smile become uneven? This could occur in childhood due to factors like thumb sucking or the premature loss of baby teeth, which could impact how permanent teeth arrive. In later years, issues like tooth loss or injury, or even the arrival of your wisdom teeth, could also lead to dental misalignment. You need treatment because poor alignment makes thorough brushing and flossing difficult, which increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The pressure on your jaw joints means you’re also more vulnerable to TMJ disorder and bruxism too. But our team can help with custom orthodontic treatment!

Creating Custom Cosmetic Orthodontics

With ClearCorrect™ we don’t use metal brackets or wires at all. Instead, we shift your teeth to proper positions with a series of clear and custom aligners, each one custom-made for your smile based on detailed digital images and measurements we take of your smile. They will be clear in appearance and practically invisible, while also offering a comfortable method of correcting your uneven smile. You also require fewer office visits too and they’re removable, so eating is less difficult and you can brush and floss easily too.

The ClearCorrect™ Treatment Process

The process of correcting your smile involves wearing the first set of aligners for about two weeks, 20 to 22 hours a day on average. You then start wearing the next set in the series and continue this process until you obtain optimal results. For minor cases, this could take as little as one year, while others may need 18 months, which is shorter than the time required for braces. The aligners can travel with you easily during the holidays, and can be stored and cleaned with ease. If you have any questions about how we treat uneven smiles with a cosmetic approach using our ClearCorrect™ aligners, then contact our team today to learn more.

A visit now is also a chance to use your remaining 2023 dental insurance benefits, or any remaining health savings account funds, before they expire at the end of December. We want to help you on your journey to an even smile, and that starts with an individual visit!

Learn More About Cosmetic Orthodontics At Celina Family Dentistry

Our team wants to help you enjoy an even and beautiful smile again with clear aligners, so you can feel comfortable even during your treatment process. To learn more about correcting your uneven smile, then give us a call at Celina Family Dentistry at (214) 851-0130 today!