When Is A Root Canal Necessary?

celina root canalWhen a tooth is infected, this could mean serious discomfort in your daily life. Lack of treatment then increases the risk of tooth loss. But our team can help treat the issue with an endodontic treatment option. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about the benefits of root canal therapy.

The Warning Signs of an Infected Tooth

A dental infection could cause serious discomfort and even lead to a lost tooth. When a cavity isn’t treated, or repair isn’t completed for cracked or chipped teeth, then the growing decay could reach the inner pulp, your tooth’s nerve center. An infection then forms, which could mean painful toothache and sensitivity, discomfort when you bite down or chew, swelling, a discharge from the tooth, and aches in your face or jaw. Don’t ignore persistent discomfort in your smile, please see our team right away to see if you need a root canal to preserve your smile!

Keeping Our Patients Comfortable

We will begin with a detailed examination using digital x-rays, which employs 90% less radiation and provides high-definition images instantly chairside. Our team will assess the cause and severity of your infection, and plan your treatment. To ensure you stay comfortable even if you suffer from dental anxiety, our team will numb the area with a local anesthetic to keep you comfortable. We also have sedation, medications that help you enter a calm and relaxed state, with little or no memory of the procedure. We will recommend one for you based on a variety of different underlying factors. Your treatment should be a positive experience, so you don’t fear your next appointment with our team!

The Root Canal Procedure

Once we’ve planned the procedure and administered anesthetic and/or sedation, we will then open the tooth to remove the tissues from within. We then clean the inside of the tooth thoroughly, and add a unique filling material to the interior. The tooth is then capped with a crown, one custom-made to ensure not only a proper fit and a balanced bite, but a lifelike appearance. With all-porcelain, we can ensure your crown looks natural. You can then lower your risk of future decay or infection with daily brushing and flossing habits, a healthier diet, and regular siris to our team for checkups and cleanings.

If you have any questions about the root canal process, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you start 2024 with good oral health and a smile that shines!

Learn More About Restorative Dentistry At Celina Family Dentistry

We want to help you avoid the loss of your tooth due to an infected tooth. To learn more about our approach to endodontic treatment, then give us a call at Celina Family Dentistry at (214) 851-0130 today!