How Restorative Dentistry Repairs Your Smile

celina restorative dentistryWhen you have chipped or cracked a tooth, or tooth decay or infection develops in one or more teeth, then you need restorative dentistry to address these concerns. With these custom treatments, we can restore your teeth and prevent major complications, such as worsening pain or even tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about restorative dentistry! You don’t have to live with persistent discomfort or the risk of further damage and complications, we can help in as little as one or two visits to transform your oral health!

When You Need Restorative Dentistry

As we mentioned above, restorative dentistry is meant to repair teeth and protect you from complications of damaged teeth and/or tooth decay and infection. These treatments also help improve bite balance and chewing function to address underlying oral health concerns too. When you injure a tooth, use cloth or gauze to control the bleeding and a cold compress to prevent facial swelling. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever as needed, and should rinse with warm water. Give us a call and we will arrange a time to see you for treatment.

Dental Fillings

Composite resin is a major part of our approach to restorative dentistry. Our team can use this metal-free blend of glass-like and acrylic-like particles to provide natural looking and durable restoration. Our team can use this to offer a lifelike solution to a cavity, stopping discomfort and preventing infection, while providing results that blend with your tooth. If you have an injury, we can use the same material to provide lifelike repairs for cracked or chipped teeth. Composite resin also masks common cosmetic concerns as well. When you have a toothache or a minor chip, let us know right away!

Custom Crowns

Our dental crowns are custom-made for your smile. We can offer full crowns, which cover everything above the gum line, or partial crowns like inlays and onlays to address issues too severe for a filling, but that don’t yet require a full crown. The restoration is custom-made for your smile based on detailed images of your smile, and using metals like ceramics, which can be shaded to blend with your smile and offer a lifelike appearance. We can repair damage, address severe decay, and complete root canals to treat infected teeth. We can also aid in tooth replacement as well, with results that look natural and absorb daily bite forces with ease!

Dental Bridges

Restorative dentistry can also replace missing teeth in addition to repairing them. For example, we can use one to two crowns to secure a dental bridge in place, which replaces between one and three teeth in a row. The bridge is made from durable materials like ceramic, which can be color matched to blend with your smile. Once the crowns are attached to the teeth on each side of the gap, your new teeth are held firmly in place. You don’t have to live with the complications of minor tooth loss! In addition, if you’re receiving a single tooth dental implant, we can use a crown to complete your new tooth.

Root Canal Therapy

When a tooth is infected, then you need restorative dentistry to avoid tooth loss and stop major discomfort. With a root canal procedure, we use restorative dentistry to gently open the tooth and remove the tissues from within, stopping the infection and preventing it from reaching other parts of your smile. We then add a unique filling material known as gutta percha, and finally, we cap the tooth with a custom-made crown. This can stop pain and treat the infection in one visit, so you leave with a strong and healthy smile, and one that doesn’t hurt when you eat or speak.

If you have any questions about restorative dentistry, or if you’re ready to treat the cause of your discomfort or repair damaged teeth, then please reach out to our team today. We want to help you enjoy results that provide healthy and functional smiles, and a lifelike appearance too, so you can smile with confidence each and every day!

Schedule a Restorative Appointment with Celina Family Dentistry!

We can help return your smile to full function, health, and beauty, often in as little as one to two visits. Don’t let your oral health and smile beauty suffer, talk to our team about your options which will be customized for your smile to ensure proper bite balance and a lifelike appearance. To learn more about repairing and restoring your smile, talk to a member of our team today at Celina Family Dentistry at (214) 851-0130 today!