Single-Visit Cosmetic Treatment Options

celina dental bondingWhen you have issues with the shape and color of your teeth, we could offer major improvement in a single visit. With dental bonding and contouring, our team can address multiple cosmetic imperfections in one appointment. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about the process of tooth bonding and dental contouring.

Starting with Your Cosmetic Consultation

To get started, our team will conduct a cosmetic consultation. During this visit, our team will talk about your hopes and dreams of your smile, and then carefully examine the smile with advanced imaging systems so we can make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. Our team will assess the cause and extent of your cosmetic concerns and then plan treatment to return your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty. In addition to masking teeth stains, we have treatments that can reshape teeth and address an array of cosmetic imperfections in only one appointment, so you obtain major results quickly!

Dental Bonding

Composite resin is used to create our tooth-colored fillings, as this material can bond with the tooth and the lack of metal, means it is safe for all ages. The material is also used in our dental bonding procedures, in which we use it to repair and mask common cosmetic complaints. Our team starts by numbing the tooth so you’re comfortable as we remove any decay and clean the surfaces. We then etch the area being treated and apply the material in several layers, sculpting the tooth as the composite resin cures beneath a light. The last step is to polish it for a brighter appearance.

With bonding, we can mask the permanent teeth stains that don’t respond to whitening, and also close embarrassing gaps between teeth. We can repair minor chips and cracks, reshape malformed teeth, lengthen worn down teeth, and more. All in a single appointment!

Dental Contouring

In the same visit, or in a separate one, our team could also contour the teeth. Instead of adding new materials to the tooth, we will gently sand and buff away miniscule segments of outer structure to improve the overall beauty of a tooth. Contouring can be used to smooth away pits, grooves, and rough patches. We can reshape overly large or malformed teeth, or correct the appearance of a chipped tooth. The procedure could also be used to address sharp, pointed or jagged teeth.

If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule a Cosmetic Appointment with Celina Family Dentistry!

Our team wants to help you obtain results that make you feel proud of your smile! To learn more about improving the beauty of your smile, talk to a member of our team today at Celina Family Dentistry at (214) 851-0130 today!