How We Stop Your Snoring And Sleep Apnea

celina snoringChronic snoring, which could potentially indicate the presence of sleep apnea, is a cause for concern. Not only does this mean poor sleep this could lead to stress on your heart health and immune system. However, we can help without the use of a CPAP machine! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about our sleep apnea appliances.


If you snore, this could mean you’re experiencing poor sleep and that you’re causing your significant other to lose sleep too. When we snore, this is created by the vibrations of soft tissues, which have partially blocked airflow during the night. underlying factors could include sinus and allergy issues, a large neck circumference, sleeping on your back instead of your side, and excessive alcohol before bed. However, this could also be linked to a serious disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea!

Sleep Apnea

With obstructive sleep apnea, as you rest the soft tissues that partially block airflow and cause snoring can also completely block airflow so you stop breathing for a few seconds, until the brain registers the drop in oxygen and wakes you. While people may not recall waking up, this does interrupt your REM sleep multiple times a night, causing you to feel exhausted during the day. Other warning signs include waking up with dry mouth, headaches, irritability, trouble concentrating, memory issues, and waking in the night choking or gasping for air. Chronic snoring is often one of the early symptoms.

We want to help you stop snoring and breathe without interruption because untreated sleep apnea is linked to a strained immune system, memory troubles, and even poor heart health, including the risk of hypertension, heart disease, and even stroke and heart attack. If you experience one or more of these potential symptoms, then talk to our team about an assessment and exam, so we can choose the right treatment option for you.

Treatment Without a CPAP Machine

A CPAP machine is effective, but also loud and cumbersome, so many people avoid use. But we can offer an alternative that is custom-fitted for your smile! With an oral appliance, you wear a device that looks and fits like a mouthguard, but has been fitted for your smile. Once in place, this moves the jaw and tongue forward to keep it open and free of obstruction, so you rest without hesitation and feel more alert and active the next day. The oral appliance is easy to use and clean, and can travel with you too!

If you have any questions, contact our team today!

Schedule a Visit for Sleep Dentistry

If you want to enjoy a good night’s rest again or would like to schedule your appointment, call Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX at (214) 851-0130.