Orthodontics Can Offer An Even Smile

celina clear alignersOrthodontics are treatments designed to correct the alignment of your teeth, shifting them into proper positions to avoid dental misalignment. Our team can offer two options to correct your dental misalignment, metal braces and clear aligners. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about our approach to orthodontics and how these options can help you smile with confidence!

The Benefits of Addressing Your Alignment Issues

Dental misalignment could be the result of complications related to jaw growth or the eruption of your teeth. Thumb sucking or the premature loss of baby teeth and tooth loss in the teen and adult years could be factors, as could the arrival of your wisdom teeth. Regardless of the underlying factors, misalignment can lead to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease, as your smile is more difficult to thoroughly brush and floss. The pressure on your jaw joints from an imbalanced bite could lead to issues like TMJ disorder or bruxism (teeth grinding). You could also feel self-conscious about your appearance, which could impact your social life. When you correct your misalignment with orthodontics, you can enjoy better oral health and a more attractive smile!

Metal Braces

If you have severe dental misalignment, then we may prescribe braces to correct your smile and offer optimal results, usually in about two years total. The process involves attaching metal brackets to the front facing sides of your teeth, and then connecting a portion of an arch wire to each bracket. We may use bands to connect the upper and lower jaw too. During periodic visits to our office, our team will adjust tension in the wire to begin repositioning the teeth and improving overall alignment. We will offer tips on keeping your smile healthy and strong during this process, so when your braces come off you have brighter and even teeth!

The ClearCorrect® System

If you have a more minor case of misalignment, then our team could help with a series of clear and custom cosmetic aligners. These are made specifically for your smile based on digital impressions and images we gather of your teeth and jaw. Each custom aligner fits snugly over your teeth, and helps gently guide them closer and closer to their optimal positions. The treatment process takes about a year, and your aligners are practically invisible. You can also remove them before meals, prior to brushing and flossing, or in preparation for a special event, like a graduation.

If you have any questions about our orthodontic treatment options, then contact our team today.

Schedule a Visit for Your Custom Orthodontics

If you have any questions about our orthodontic treatment options, or would like to schedule your appointment, call Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX at (214) 851-0130.