Two Whitening Treatments To Choose From

celina teeth whiteningDo you want your smile to shine during your summer vacation? Then you may consider a tooth whitening treatment to brighten your teeth by several shades! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about the two teeth whitening treatments we offer to help our patients achieve a brighter smile.

The Factors Behind Your Teeth Stains

Teeth stains can be stubborn and make you feel self-conscious about your smile. With store bought strips and whitening toothpastes you can obtain minor results, but these tend to be short-lived. Discoloration could occur due to plaque buildup, which coats the teeth when you have a diet high in sugar and starch. Poor brushing and flossing habits could also lead to serious plaque buildup. These layers make stains more apparent, while also increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Consuming drinks with dark pigments, such as tea, red wine, coffee, and soda, could also discolor your smile. Tobacco products, such as cigarettes, are also a source of embarrassing discoloration on your teeth. As part of your treatment, we will examine the smile and assess the cause and severity of your teeth stains, so we can choose the right whitening treatment for you!

Brighter Smiles in One Hour

Our in-office teeth whitening treatment will help brighten your smile in only one visit, perfect if you need a shining smile before a wedding, job interview, graduation, or special event. The process is simple. Our team will apply a protective covering to your lips and gums. We then place the bleaching gel on the teeth, which helps brighten smiles by breaking up and removing teeth stains. We then repeat the process as needed, and you can have a much brighter smile in a single visit.

Take-Home Treatment

For more severe stains, our team could offer a take-home option. You stop by the office just long enough for us to take an impression of your bite and create a custom set of plastic trays. These trays, along with several plastic syringes of bleaching gel, come home with you. At home, you will fill the trays with gel and wear them for a set amount of time. The trays ensure the gel remains undiluted and that results are even across your smile. The gel-filled trays are worn daily for a set amount of time over a period of one to two weeks. For some, teeth could be up to eight shades brighter!

If you have any questions about teeth whitening, contact our team today.

Schedule a Visit for Cosmetic Treatment

If you want to enjoy a brighter smile with our cosmetic treatments and would like to schedule an appointment, call Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX at (214) 851-0130.