Dental Fillings Treat Tooth Decay In One Sitting

celina dental fillingsWhen tooth decay forms in a tooth, this could mean the onset of discomfort and over time, the risk of an infected tooth. But our team can stop the spread of a cavity with a dental filling. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we treat cavities in only one visit with our tooth-colored dental fillings!

The Causes of Tooth Decay

Our outer enamel protects the sensitive inner tooth structure, known as the dentin, from exposure to bacteria. But once a tooth is cracked or chipped, worn down by bruxism (teeth grinding), or experiences enamel erosion, this could expose the dentin to bacteria and allow a cavity to form. Plaque buildup brought on by poor brushing and flossing habits and a diet high in sugar, is a major factor in enamel erosion. The cavity will increase in severity with time, and could become a painful infection that threatens smile stability. Which is why when you experience toothaches or sensitivity, you should consider an appointment right away for a filling placement!

Our Lifelike Fillings

While metal restorations are an effective way of treating cavities, they may not be safe for all ages. But we can offer a biocompatible and lifelike alternative with composite resin, a metal-free material we color match to blend with your smile. Placement is simple. Our team will numb your tooth and then remove decay from it. We clean the tooth and apply the filling material in several layers. We then sculpt and mold the tooth as the composite resin cures beneath a light. The last step is to polish the tooth for a brighter appearance, and to limit how much plaque and tartar can accumulate before your next visit.

Steps to Avoid Tooth Decay

We also believe in taking a preventive approach to dental care, so you can avoid issues like tooth decay entirely. For kids and adults, we can clean the teeth as part of a checkup visit, removing all plaque and tartar buildup to keep the smile healthy and strong. At home, you can take time to brush and floss daily, and cut back on the amount of sugar and starch in your diet. With the right steps, you can enjoy strong and healthy smiles for years to come!

If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat tooth decay, or if you have an aching tooth that may need a filling, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule a Visit for Lifelike Dental Restorations

If you want to receive a lifelike treatment for cavities with our restorations and would like to schedule an appointment, call Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX at (214) 851-0130.