Relieving Discomfort With Root Canal Therapy

celina root canalWith a root canal procedure, our team can offer treatment that stops an infection and protects your smile from further discomfort, so you don’t risk losing your tooth. We take steps to ensure your endodontic procedure is a comfortable and positive experience. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about root canal therapy.

The Discomfort of an Infection

A tooth becomes infected when harmful oral bacteria reach the inner pulp, the nerve center of your tooth. This contact is possible due to an untreated cavity or as a result of a serious injury that breaks or fractures a tooth. Without treatment, this could cause worsening discomfort and even the loss of your tooth. When you experience possible symptoms, such as toothaches, tooth sensitivity, pain when you bite down or chew, headaches, jaw and facial pain, or swelling near the tooth, please let us know right away. We want to help keep your smile whole and healthy!

Planning Your Endodontic Treatment

To begin, we will take digital x-rays of your tooth to identify the position and assess the severity of the infection. We then plan the procedure in detail! To ensure you are comfortable, we will administer a local anesthetic. If you have dental anxiety or special circumstances that make undergoing treatment a difficult process, we can discuss sedation to help you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation. Every patient receives personalized care, ensuring optimal results and a healthy smile!

The Root Canal Procedure

When you are ready, we will open the tooth so we can access and remove the infected tissues from within. Once we do, we will clean the interior of the tooth and then add a special restorative filling material known as gutta percha. The last step is to place a custom-made crown to the tooth. The crown will protect it from further decay or infection, and provides a durable chewing surface too. The material we use can also be shaded to ensure a more lifelike appearance as well.

We can then discuss care to help prevent future infections, such as better brushing and flossing habits, visits for checkups and cleanings every six months, and a diet low in sugar and starch. If you have any questions about how our team will treat dental infection with a root canal procedure, then contact our team today to learn more. We want you to smile with comfort and confidence!

Schedule a Visit for Endodontic Treatment

If you want to undergo care to prevent tooth loss due to an infection and would like to schedule an appointment, call Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX at (214) 851-0130. We want to help your smile stay healthy and whole, so please see us at the first sign of discomfort!