Bruxism Treatment Helps Stop Teeth Grinding

celina bruxism

When you have bruxism, this means chronic teeth grinding and clenching could lead to damaged teeth and major complications down the road, such as tooth decay and dental infection. But we can help you enjoy better oral health and protect the beauty of your smile! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about teeth grinding treatment with oral appliances.

The Causes of Bruxism

What causes someone to grind their teeth on such a regular basis? For many, this could be due to high levels of stress in their daily life. Factors that upset bite balance could also be responsible, such as missing teeth, misalignment, injury to the teeth or jaw, or complications with the growth and development of your jaw. If you have TMJ disorder, in which there is a serious imbalance in your jaw, this could be a potential factor too.

When to Seek Treatment

When you notice pain in your teeth or jaw, headaches or migraines, or aches in the face, then let us know right away. We will conduct a detailed examination with digital systems to assess the potential cause and severity of your teeth grinding. Treatment is crucial because otherwise, the pressure could wear down enamel to make teeth appear shorter than usual, and damage them to increase the risk of tooth decay and dental infection. Don’t risk worsening pain and eventual tooth loss, talk to our team about possible solutions.

Care with an Oral Appliance

For some, we could ease imbalance with the placement of crowns or the completion of a dental bonding procedure. We could correct misalignment with aligners or other orthodontics, and could even replace missing teeth with bridges or dental implants. But for many, we can offer relief and safeguard the smile with a custom oral appliance. The device is custom-fitted for your smile based on detailed digital images of your smile, which we take from multiple angles.

When worn at night, the oral appliance will gently reposition your jaw to ease stress and strain, and the device also places a barrier between your upper and lower sets of teeth, which can lower the risk of tooth decay and dental damage. The device itself is easy to use and clean, and can travel with you too. If you have any questions about how our team will diagnose and treat concerns like bruxism with an oral appliance, then contact our team today to learn more.

Ready to Schedule Treatment for Bruxism?

Our team wants to offer treatment for chronic teeth grinding, so reach out to our team today! To schedule an appointment with Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX, call (214) 851-0130. With the right care, we can stop bruxism and even repair the damage left behind with lifelike results.