Protecting Your Kids From Halloween Cavities

celina halloween cavitiesHalloween will be here soon, and while we love this holiday as much as anyone, we know too many sweets can lead to cavities. Which is why we are offering a few tips for protecting kids from tooth decay in the months to come. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about keeping kids cavity-free!

How Sugar Causes Tooth Decay

When children eat lots of candy, this leaves behind particles of sugar trapped on or between the teeth, especially if they eat chewy candies that contain ingredients like caramel. When harmful oral bacteria consume these parties, this causes a rise in oral acidity and coats the teeth in a sticky layer of plaque. Over time, plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) will weaken and erode the outer enamel to cause cavities. Kids then develop aching teeth and without a filling, the risk of an infection.

Which is why we recommend letting your children only have a couple of pieces a day. Better yet, reserve them for after dinner when increased production of saliva can help rinse away the sugar particles. Following the sweets with a glass of water is helpful too. If your house is going to be handing out treats on Halloween, consider sugar-free options like Halloween-themed temporary tattoos, stickers, or party favors!

Children’s Dental Care

Our team can also help protect little smiles from cavities with children’s dentistry. You should schedule a checkup soon, so we can watch for weakened enamel and treat cavities before they threaten your child’s tooth. In the same visit, our team can conduct a dental cleaning, in which we remove all plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth. With fluoride treatments, we can strengthen the outer enamel in seconds. Our team could also place dental sealants to cover the rear teeth and prevent sugar particles from being caught on or between the hard-to-reach rear teeth. They stay in place for up to ten years too!

Continuing Care at Home

Along with limiting candy, you can also make sure your children brush for two minutes when they wake up and then again before going to bed. Each session should involve a fluoride toothpaste. Kids also need to floss every evening to remove what a toothbrush alone cannot. These actions are also crucial for helping little ones avoid cavities after Halloween and the holiday seasons, when sugar consumption is higher than usual. If you have any questions about how we protect kids from tooth decay, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Children’s Dentistry?

We are here to help children enjoy good oral health and avoid Halloween-related tooth decay! To schedule an appointment with Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX, call (214) 851-0130.