Could We Complete Implant Placement Same-Day?

celina dental implantsDental implants often require a lengthy placement time, with months elapsing between placement and restoration. But what if your Celina, TX, dentist could make the entire process take only one day? In today’s blog, we’re going to look at the same-day placement process, and the benefits of choosing dental implants to address missing teeth!

The Placement Process

Dental implants offer tooth replacement that could last a lifetime, and this is due to the fact that they act as new roots. We insert one or more into the jawbone, where the body accepts them as natural, stimulating the growth of bone tissue to keep them strong and prevents the loss of bone structure that follows tooth loss. We plan and guide the process with advanced digital technology, ensuring your new teeth are ready to support crowns or dentures, and last for decades to come.

Restorations and Prosthetics

Typically, we need to wait for months for the osseointegration process to take place, which bonds the implant posts with the jaw. Which means that people have the post inserted and must wait before the visible portion of the smile is added. For a single tooth, this is in the form of a dental crown, which is designed to look natural and absorb daily bite forces. For several missing teeth, we could attach a bridge, partial, or full set of dentures. With same-day placement, we attach abutments and then your restoration or dentures in the same visit, so you leave with a complete smile.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Now that you know how to address missing teeth in only one visit, let’s look at other benefits of dental implants. For a single tooth, this prevents the breakdown of tissue that could cause further tooth loss. For dentures, you have an option that will never slip when you eat or speak, and could last for decades to come, maybe even a lifetime. Caring for them is simple, as you just need to brush and floss daily, enjoy a good healthy diet, and attend regular checkup and cleanings visits. Their stability also means you can eat your favorite foods again, and their lifelike appearance allows you to smile with confidence.

If you have any questions about our same-day dental implants, or if you would like to talk to our team about preventing tooth loss, then contact our team today. Let’s work together to enjoy optimal oral health!

Talk To Your Celina, TX Dentist’s Office About Treating Tooth Loss

We want to help you maintain a full and complete smile with same-day replacement. To learn more about the implant dentistry process and how we create lifelike restorations and dentures, then contact your Celina, TX, dentist, Dr. Newton, by calling (214) 851-0130.