Make Your Smile Shine This Summer With Cosmetic Dentistry

celina cosmetic dentistryDo you want to see a major difference in the appearance of your smile? With cosmetic dentistry, our team can provide treatment to address stains, reshape teeth, and even address issues with your gums or dental misalignment. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist takes a close look at the cosmetic treatments we offer our patients.

In-Office and At-Home Teeth Whitening

Obviously, teeth whitening is a major part of our cosmetic dental treatments. We have two options available to help brighten smiles by preventing unsightly teeth stains. With our in-office option, we can offer results in as little as one to two hours total. We will use a powerful bleaching gel activated with a special light to break up and remove stains, which is great if you need results fast before a big event, job interview, or even a first date.

If you have more substantial staining, we can offer help from the comfort of your own home. With our at-home teeth whitening, we can use a set of custom-made trays that you fill with gel and wear for specific amount of time each day. The process continues for one to two weeks and offers smiles up to eight shades brighter in some cases, and the trays and leftover gel are then available for touch-ups as needed.

Bonding and Contouring

We can also use cosmetic dentistry to address issues with the shape of your teeth, in only one visit! With dental bonding we use a composite resin shaded to blend with your smile to mask teeth stains, fill gaps between teeth, correct misshapen teeth, and lengthen structures worn down by bruxism. This can also help improve overall bite balance too. With contouring, we smooth away the outer structure with sanding and buffing to address the appearance of minor chips, and to address pits, grooves, and rough patches in the teeth too. The procedure can dull sharp, jagged, and pointed tooth structure, and to also improve overall bite balance and correct misshapen teeth too. Both can be done in only one sitting, and both can be done in the same appointment too!

Porcelain Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry can also be used to offer a smile makeover in as little as two visits! With porcelain veneers, our team will create custom restorations, which can be shaded to blend with your smile and handle daily bite forces. These thin restorations are placed onto the front of your teeth, instantly changing the shape and color. Our team can mask permanent teeth stains, embarrassing gaps, and damage to your smile. We can correct misshapen teeth too and even improve the appearance of misalignment so you have a straighter-looking smile without the need for braces or aligners. For some, this means a stunning new smile in only two visits.

Gum Contouring

If you show off too much gum tissue when you smile, we can help with gum contouring. Essentially, we will use dental lasers to gently trim away the excess portions and in the process, improve the symmetry and gum line of your smile. In one visit, this offers improved smiles. Outside of cosmetic dentistry, we can use the same technology to address the more advanced stages of gum disease too!

ClearCorrect® Aligners

What if you have dental misalignment? You don’t have to rely solely on metal braces to address crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth. Instead, our team can create a series of clear aligners that fit comfortably and help shift the teeth into a more even smile in as little as one year. You wear each set of custom aligners for two weeks, 20 to 22 hours a day, and then move onto the next set. The aligners are easy to use and clean, and can travel with you too. You can even remove them before you eat or prior to brushing and flossing your teeth!

Icon for White Spots

If you have unsightly white spots on your teeth, this could indicate areas that are developing tooth decay. But we can treat the white spots and strengthen the area with Icon infiltrant, which takes one visit and helps prevent the areas from becoming full blown cavities, and safeguards the beauty of your smile. If you have any questions about our approach to cosmetic dentistry, or if you would like to schedule a visit to see which of our treatments is right for you, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and enjoy your best possible smile for years to come.

Schedule a Visit for Cosmetic Dental Care

If you want to undergo treatment for your smile imperfections or would like to schedule your appointment, call Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX at (214) 851-0130.