How Porcelain Veneers Can Makeover Your Smile

celina veneers

Restorations, such as fillings and crowns, can repair teeth and offer an attractive appearance. But we also have custom cosmetic restorations that can address multiple esthetic imperfections at once! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we treat your smile’s cosmetic issues with our custom porcelain veneers.

Same-Day Cosmetic Treatments

celina cosmetic dentistry

If you have cosmetic issues that make you feel self-conscious, why not seek treatment with our team? We know that your schedule is very busy, which is why we are proud to offer treatment in only one visit! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about same-day cosmetic treatment options.

Two Whitening Treatments To Choose From

celina teeth whitening

Do you want your smile to shine during your summer vacation? Then you may consider a tooth whitening treatment to brighten your teeth by several shades! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about the two teeth whitening treatments we offer to help our patients achieve a brighter smile.

A Customized Approach To Bruxism Treatment

celina teeth grinding

When you grind your teeth or clench them on a regular basis at night, this is referred to as bruxism. A widespread disorder, this could eventually damage your teeth and lead to poor oral health! But our team can help with a custom treatment option. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about our… Read more »

Preventing Cavities With Silver Diamine Fluoride

celina silver diamine fluoride

When you have tooth decay, this could cause painful symptoms and even lead to infections that threaten smile stability. But even if the outer enamel experiences the earliest stages of erosion, we can intervene to stop the weakened enamel from becoming a cavity. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about Silver Diamine Fluoride… Read more »

Protect Little Smiles With Children’s Dentistry

celina children's dentistry

Summer break is here! Which means if you have kids, they have a higher risk of tooth decay and infection. But it doesn’t have to be that way! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about our approach to children’s dentistry, and offers tips to help little smiles stay cavity-free during summer break, so… Read more »