Using Restorative Dentistry To Improve Your Smile

celina restorative dentistryWhen you have a toothache that doesn’t pass with time, or if you have cracked or chipped a tooth, then you need a restoration. With restorative dentistry, our team can provide treatment to repair teeth and offer a lifelike appearance too! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about restorative dentistry.

When to Seek Restorative Dentistry

You should contact our team when you begin to experience persistent pain or sensitivity in a tooth, as this could mean the presence of a cavity or infection, and lack of care could mean worsening pain and tooth loss! Likewise, when a tooth is chipped or cracked, we need to know so we can repair the tooth and protect you from major complications. We also help replace missing teeth with restorative dentistry too. We can return your smile to full function, health, and beauty once again.

Dental Fillings

If you have a cavity, then with restorative dentistry we can place a dental filling. We use a metal-free option made from composite resin, which we can shade to blend with your smile. The material is biocompatible and bonds with the tooth structure, and can be placed in only one visit. We can use the same material in a dental bonding procedure to mask common cosmetic imperfections in only one visit too!

Custom Crowns

If you have a more advanced injury or case of decay or infection, we could place a full restoration known as a dental crown. The restoration will fit over the visible portion of your tooth, and offer a lifelike appearance, shaded to blend with the rest of your smile! The crowns can repair damaged teeth, address advanced tooth decay, and complete root canals to treat infected teeth. We can correct misshapen teeth, improve bite balance, and even aid in tooth replacement!

Root Canal Therapy

If a tooth is infected, treatment with a root canal is vital for stopping discomfort and also preventing the loss of the tooth. The procedure is simple and often compared to receiving a filling. With local anesthesia and sedation, we can ensure you enjoy a comfortable treatment experience. We open the tooth to remove the infected tissues and then add a special restorative filling, before we cap the tooth with a crown. In one visit, we halt pain and keep your smile intact!


What if you have a missing tooth, or as many as three in a row? We can help with restorative dentistry! To address minor tooth loss, we can offer a dental bridge. We begin by numbing the teeth on each side of the gap and removing structure from them. We take images and measurements of these abutment teeth and the gap, and use them in a dental lab to design and craft a custom dental prosthetic from lifelike and durable ceramic. The finished bridge contains new teeth with crowns on each end, and we place the crown on the abutment teeth to secure your new teeth firmly in place. Your new teeth can last for years to come!


If you have more advanced tooth loss, we can provide dentures as part of our approach to restorative dentistry. With a full, we replace every tooth on one or both arches. We can extract the last few teeth and design the prosthetic based on detailed digital images we take of your smile. The new teeth are set in an acrylic base that looks like gum tissues, and adhesives or suction keep your new teeth in place. If you have multiple missing teeth spread out across your arch, but still have a number of natural teeth in place, we can help with partials. These contain new teeth set in a base, and are designed to fit in the gaps in your smile. Metal clasps help secure them in place.

If you have any questions about restorative dentistry, or if you would like to schedule a visit for yourself or a member of your family for treatment, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and enjoy better bite function and health at the same time. Everything starts with an initial consultation, so contact our team today to learn more!

Ready to Schedule Your Restorative Appointment?

Our team is ready to return your smile to optimal health, function, and beauty, so reach out to our team today! To schedule an appointment with Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX, call (214) 851-0130. Restorative dentistry can help patients of all ages, so reach our to our team so you can smile with confidence again.