Your Dental Checkups Are Vital To Smile Success

Man On Blue Background Celina TXHave you been putting off your visits to the dentist? If so, you could be allowing the deterioration of your smile. Conditions such as tooth decay and gum disease can thrive when you ignore your semiannual checkups, so make the effort in your ongoing dental maintenance. Most people need these appointments every six months, and some will need an accelerated schedule of treatment, depending on certain genetic and environmental factors.

With our team of helpful dental professionals in Celina, TX, you can experience a fresher smile. Schedule your next cleaning and examination and discover the benefits of preventive dental care. With your semiannual checkup, you have the opportunity to keep the focus on the maintenance of your smile, giving you the power to do your part in fighting concerns such as gum disease and tooth decay. We are here to help you to keep your smile safe!

Your Semiannual Checkup Starts With A Cleaning

When you come into the dental office for a routine checkup, your appointment will start with a thorough cleaning of the surface of your teeth. This portion of your visit can help you to look and feel better through the removal of harmful bacterial biofilm.

As microorganisms within your mouth feed upon the remnants of food in the deeper areas of your smile, they start to produce a material known as plaque. This is a colorless film, and it is what you brush off of your teeth every morning and evening. If you leave this material on the surface of your teeth, it can calcify into a harder form called tartar, which requires the help of a trained dental professional to remove. By cleaning the surface of your teeth, you can slow the progression of tooth decay and gum disease!

A Visual Examination During Your Checkup Helps You To Be Proactive

Alongside your cleaning, you will also receive a visual examination of all areas of your mouth. This way, you and your provider can identify any weak areas within your dentistry, and then take positive steps to resolve the issue. Early detection can help you to avoid lasting harm!

Consistent visits can also help to give your dentist a better idea of any changes that are happening in your mouth. If it has been longer than six months since your last appointment, schedule your next checkup and make your way back to the dental chair.

Learn More About How Checkups Benefit You With Celina Family Dentistry

When you put off your appointments for your semiannual checkups, you place yourself at risk of new or worsening gum disease and tooth decay. For more information on the advantages of preventive care, schedule your next visit to Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX by calling (214)851-0130.