Preventive Dentistry Can Help Safeguard Your Smile

celina preventive dentistryPreventive dentistry includes treatments meant to help fight tooth decay and gum disease, so you and your family can enjoy better oral health. From checkups and cleanings, to unique treatments to prevent the onset of cavities, we have something for patients of all ages. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about preventive dentistry.

Starting with a Checkup and Cleaning

We recommend a preventive checkup and cleaning visit every six months for patients of all ages and their families. The checkup involves our team employing advanced imaging technology to carefully examine your smile and make a diagnosis, so we can identify any issues that need treatment and create a plan to address them. In the same visit, our team will also clean the teeth, removing all plaque and tartar to limit the presence of everything from bad breath and teeth stains to cavities and gum disease. This is a helpful visit for kids and adults alike, so schedule one today!

Treating Bruxism

If you grind your teeth, we can help with preventive dentistry. Our team will examine your smile to assess the severity of your bruxism and the underlying causes. We don’t want you to damage your teeth! We will create an oral appliance that fits like a mouthguard and is worn while you sleep. Once in place, this helps reposition the jaw to ease stress and strain, and also places a barrier between the upper and lower teeth to prevent further damage. This can help treat issues like TMJ disorder too. If you have teeth worn down or damaged by bruxism, then we can help with bonding or a crown.

Silver Diamine Fluoride

What if you have a developing cavity, one in the earliest stages of demineralization, but not a full-fledged one yet? With preventive dentistry, we have a treatment that can halt the rate of decay and prevent the need for a dental filling. With Silver Diamine Fluoride, we apply a unique material to the weakened area of enamel, which stops the cavity and helps safeguard the tooth. This is safe for kids and adults alike and can help prevent the need for further restoration in a tooth. The application only takes seconds, too!

Children’s Dentistry

Our team also offers treatment for kids too! With preventive dentistry, we can offer your kids regular checkups and cleanings every six months starting at age two. We also have unique preventive treatments to lower the risk of cavities. For example, during your checkups we can apply fluoride to the teeth to strengthen the outer enamel and fight cavities. We also have dental sealants, which are a thin layer of acrylic we add to the molars, the rear teeth kids have trouble reaching when they brush and floss. Sealants can stay in place for up to ten years and wear away gradually with time. With both options, application takes seconds and kids need to avoid food and drink for about 30 minutes. These, combined with better brushing and flossing habits and regular visits to our office, can help kids avoid cavities and infections.

Scaling and Root Planing

Above, we mentioned the dental cleaning we offer every six months to remove harmful buildup and protect the smile. But what if you have the warning signs of gingivitis or the early stages of gum disease? Then you need a more involved cleaning to address the issue and allow us to manage the disease moving forward with simple preventive methods. With a deep cleaning, also known as a scaling and root planing, our team will remove all plaque and tartar from both the teeth and the roots, and can destroy harmful pockets of bacteria too. The process could take one visit to up to four, depending on the severity of your buildup. We use an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool, and offer sedation and local anesthetic as needed to keep you comfortable throughout the process.

If you have any questions about our approach to preventive dentistry, or if you need to schedule a checkup and cleaning visit for you or a member of your family, then contact our team today to learn more. We want you and your family to enjoy your best possible smiles, and that all starts with the initial preventive visit, so reach out today!

Schedule a Visit for Preventive Dentistry

If you want to help protect your smile with preventive dentistry, or would like to schedule your appointment, call Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX at (214) 851-0130. Everyone deserves a strong, healthy, and beautiful smile, and we want to make this a reality for you and your loved ones.