Same-Day Cosmetic Treatments

celina cosmetic dentistryIf you have cosmetic issues that make you feel self-conscious, why not seek treatment with our team? We know that your schedule is very busy, which is why we are proud to offer treatment in only one visit! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about same-day cosmetic treatment options.

Your Cosmetic Consultation

To begin, simply schedule a consultation with our team. We offer cosmetic dentistry to help improve the appearance of your smile, and we want to choose the right treatment or treatments for your smile. To begin, we will talk to you about your hopes and goals for your smile, and your oral hygiene routines too. We then examine the smile with advanced digital imaging, including digital x-rays and intraoral cameras. Our team can then assess the cause and severity of your esthetic complaints and offer treatment plans to address these and improve the overall appearance of your smile. Many of our procedures can be done in only one visit, so you leave after a single sitting with a beautiful smile!

In-Office Teeth Whitening

If you have teeth stains, we can brighten your smile by several shades with professional teeth whitening. Our in-office procedure only takes one visit. With this same-day cosmetic treatment, our team will apply a protective covering to your lips and gums, and then apply a powerful bleaching gel to the teeth. We then use a special light to activate the gel’s bleaching ingredients. We may repeat the process as needed, brightening your smile in as little as one to two hours. You leave with a shining smile, perfect if you need results before a job interview, first date, graduation, or other special event.

The Dental Bonding Process

Our same-day cosmetic treatments also include dental bonding, which employs a composite resin material to address the esthetics of your smile. The material is the same we use for our tooth-colored dental fillings, which means there is no metal and the material can be color matched to blend with your smile. To begin, we will numb the tooth so you are comfortable as we remove decay and clean the tooth. We then apply the composite resin in several layers, and sculpt the tooth as the material is molded and cured under a special light.

With dental bonding, our team can mask permanent teeth stains that whitening cannot address, and also fill gaps and black triangle spaces between your teeth. The procedure can also lengthen teeth worn down by grinding and clenching, and can address dental damage and misshapen structures too. For some, this is a smile makeover in a single visit!

Dental Contouring

Same-day cosmetic treatments also include a contouring procedure that can reshape and correct imperfections in only one sitting. We don’t add new material to the tooth with this procedure. Instead, our team will gently sand and buff the outer structure to correct issues with the shape of them. For example, we can correct the appearance of minor chips and address misshapen or overly large teeth. The procedure can smooth away pits, rough patches, and grooves in the outer surfaces, and also correct jagged, pointed, or sharp portions of your teeth.

Gum Contouring

What if you have a gummy smile, one that displays too much gum tissues so your teeth look small or uneven? If so, we can conduct a same-day cosmetic treatment known as a gum contouring procedure, employing advanced dental lasers to trim away the excess tissues and reshape the gum line. This can help you smile with confidence, with a more symmetrical smile!

Icon Infiltrant

If you have unsightly white spots on your teeth, this could be due to weakened enamel that is soon to develop tooth decay. Our team can offer Icon Infiltrant, a material that strengthens these weakened areas and moves the white spots, so your smile is healthy and more attractive. The process only takes one visit to complete, and can help you avoid painful cavities and poor smile esthetics.

If you have any questions about our same-day cosmetic treatment options, or if you would like to schedule a cosmetic consultation to see which of our treatments will best improve your smile’s appearance, then contact our team today. We want to help you smile with confidence, and if possible, do so in only one visit.

Schedule a Visit for Same-Day Smile Improvement

If you want to obtain smile improvement in only one visit and would like to schedule an appointment, call Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX at (214) 851-0130.