A Look At Our Restorative Dental Treatments

celina restorative dentistryWhen you have chipped or cracked a tooth, or if one is worn down by bruxism or develops cavities and infection, then we can help with a dental restoration. Our treatments and restorations are custom-made to ensure optimal results and protect your smile from worsening symptoms and even the risk of tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about our approach to restorative dental care!

Your First Visit

When should you see our team for treatment? When a tooth begins to ache or feel sensitive and this doesn’t pass after a day or two, this could mean a cavity or infection, and you should see us right away. If you chip a tooth or knock one loose or out, then you should see our team. We will conduct a detailed exam with detailed digital imaging technology, which enables our team to make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy, so we can plan treatment and offer a custom approach for optimal results!

Sedation and Anesthesia

Whether we’re placing a filling or treating an infection, we want to ensure you are comfortable during your restorative treatment. We can administer a local anesthetic to the area being treated to numb and keep you comfortable. We also have dental sedation, which helps you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation, perfect if you have dental anxiety or are undergoing a more extensive treatment option. We want to ensure you enjoy a positive experience in our office.

Tooth-Colored Dental Fillings

If you have a cavity, we want to offer treatment before the issue reaches a more severe stage, such as infection, and risks the stability of your tooth. With a dental filling, we can treat the cavity in only one visit! The procedure uses a metal-free composite resin, a material; that can be shaded to blend with your tooth and look natural. The material can also bond with the tooth to offer long-lasting results. Placement only takes one visit! If you have cosmetic concerns, such as stains, misshapen teeth, or gaps between teeth, we can use the same material to offer a cosmetic bonding procedure to tackle these issues at once.

Custom Dental Crowns

When you have more substantial injuries or decay, too severe to be treated with a filling, we could use a crown. The restoration covers the entire visible portion of your tooth, and can offer a lifelike appearance that blends with your smile. The crown can last for years to come, and not only repairs damaged teeth, but can address severe decay, complete a root canal for an infected tooth, and even aid in tooth replacement by supporting a bridge or restoring a single tooth dental implant.

Root Canal Therapy

When a tooth is infected, this can mean serious discomfort and lack of treatment could allow a tooth to become lost and infection to spread to other parts of your smile. But with a root canal, we can preserve the tooth and keep your smile whole. The procedure involves removing the infected tissues from the tooth and adding a special filling material to the interior of the tooth. Our team will then cap the tooth with a custom crown, so you have lifelike results, an end to discomfort, and a tooth that can stay in place and keep your smile whole!

Tooth Extractions

As we mentioned above, our restorative treatments are designed to repair and preserve your teeth to keep your smile whole. But what if an issue arises that needs treatment, but cannot be addressed with a filling or crown? In these situations, we may need to gently extract the tooth. Our team can ensure the procedure is a gentle and comfortable one, and usually this takes about 30 minutes. We can remove wisdom teeth before they cause painful impactions, take out infected teeth, make room for orthodontic treatments, and more.

If you have any questions about restorative dentistry, or if you have a damaged or aching tooth that needs immediate attention, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and avoid issues that can cause pain or lead to tooth loss.

Schedule a Visit for Restorative Dentistry

If you want to improve the health and beauty of your smile with restorative dentistry, and would like to schedule an appointment, call Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX at (214) 851-0130. With treatment, we can stop pain in a tooth and also help your smile stay whole for years to come. Be sure to see us right away when a tooth aches or is damaged!