Orthodontics Can Improve Your Smile’s Alignment

celina orthodonticsWhen you have a smile that is crooked, or has crowded or overlapping teeth, then you could benefit from orthodontic treatment. With braces or clear aligners, we can offer an even smile and help improve your oral health. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we improve smiles with orthodontics, so you can smile with confidence. Treating your misalignment can offer smiles that are healthier, function better, and of course, offer a more esthetically-pleasing appearance too!

The Causes of Misalignment

What factors lead to misalignment? For some, this could be due to issues with the growth of the jaw or the eruption of the teeth. In childhood, thumb sucking or even the premature loss of baby teeth could be a factor. For teens and adults, tooth loss or the arrival of wisdom teeth could impact overall alignment and bite balance. Regardless of the cause, this can have a negative impact on the health and appearance of your smile and also lead to issues with overall bite function too.

The Impact on Your Oral Health

When we have uneven teeth, this provides places for food and drink particles to become trapped. Even if you brush and floss, this could still fail to remove these particles, which then feed harmful bacteria to cause plaque and tartar buildup, leading to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Poor alignment could also impact the balance of your bite, increasing the risk of TMJ disorder and even bruxism (teeth grinding). You may also feel embarrassed about your appearance, which can impact your overall quality of life. But we can help with our orthodontic treatment options.

Choosing Your Treatment

We will start by carefully examining your smile to assess the cause and severity of your misalignment, which helps us choose the most appropriate treatment option. We can offer care for teens and adults alike, and choose an option that helps patients obtain even smiles.


Braces are a common form of orthodontics, and one that can take on more severe cases of misalignment. Essentially, we will place metal brackets onto the front facing sides of each tooth. We then connect the brackets with a thin arch wire. During periodic visits to our office, we will adjust tension in the wires to gradually and gently reposition the teeth. The process could take about two years on average, as the bone structure needs to reform around the new positions of the teeth. We can discuss ways to limit your risk of cavities and teeth stains during treatment, so when your braces come off you have a bright and healthy smile!


ClearCorrect™ takes a different approach and is often reserved for more minor cases of misalignment. Instead of metal brackets and wires, our team will use clear aligners to shift the teeth. We take detailed images and measurements, which are used by experts in a lab setting to design and craft your aligners from a BPA-free plastic material. The aligners will be clear in appearance and fit comfortably. For teens and adults, this is preferred as they are practically invisible when worn.

You will wear a set for about 20 to 22 hours a day over a period of about two weeks. Each set will move your teeth closer to their optimal position, and the total treatment time could take as little as one year in some cases. The aligners are easy to wear and clean, and can travel with you too. You don’t have to alter your diet and avoid strain foods, and they are removable before meals. Being removable also means you have a much easier time brushing and flossing during treatment too. You can even take them out for special occasions, such as first dates, job interviews, or graduations.

If you have any questions about how we can correct the alignment of your smile with orthodontics like braces or ClearCorrect™, or if you would like to schedule a consultation to see which one is right for you, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence again!

Are You Ready for Orthodontic Treatment?

Our team wants to offer treatment to help shift your smile and provide optimal results, which is why we offer orthodontic treatments like braces and plastic aligners. To schedule an appointment with Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX, call (214) 851-0130. You deserve a smile that makes you feel proud, and we want to help. Talk to our team about which orthodontics are right for you!