Preventive dentistry includes treatments meant to help fight tooth decay and gum disease, so you and your family can enjoy better oral health. From checkups and cleanings, to unique treatments to prevent the onset of cavities, we have something for patients of all ages. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about preventive dentistry.
Orthodontics Can Offer An Even Smile
Orthodontics are treatments designed to correct the alignment of your teeth, shifting them into proper positions to avoid dental misalignment. Our team can offer two options to correct your dental misalignment, metal braces and clear aligners. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about our approach to orthodontics and how these options can help you smile with confidence!
How Grafting Makes Your Smile Implant-Ready
When we lose natural teeth, the body could stop sending key nutrients to the areas without tooth roots. As the jaw begins to lose mass and density, this could weaken the smile and even limit your ability to receive dental implants. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about the jawbone grafting procedure, which can strengthen these weakened portions and prepare your smile for dental implants!
Treat Early Signs Of Decay With Icon
If you have white spots on your teeth, it could be an early sign of a cavity forming. When plaque begins to harden on your enamel, it can create this type of discoloration. If this is ignored, it can begin to demineralize your enamel and a cavity can form. Your Celina, TX, family dentistry offers a solution to help rid of these blemishes and prevent them from turning into a cavity.
How We Restore Lost Teeth With Our Dental Implants
Have you lost one of your teeth? What if you have lost several to poor oral health or injury? Whether you have a minor case of tooth loss or suffer from edentulism, you need a prosthetic to smile with confidence and enjoy your favorite foods. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we offer full smiles with implant dentistry.
How We Replace Multiple Missing Teeth
When you have suffered from tooth loss and have large or multiple gaps in your smile, then you need a prosthetic that fills these gaps and improves the beauty of your smile. Our team can help with bridges and even custom dentures. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we replace your missing teeth with a custom dental prosthetic.
How Dental Crowns Can Save Your Smile
When you have a tooth that is cracked or chipped, or if one has developed tooth decay or dental infection, then we can help with a dental restoration. With a dental crown, we can offer optimal results and prevent major complications. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about the benefits of a dental crown.
Straightening Your Smile With Orthodontic Treatments
When you have crooked, crowded, or overlapping teeth, then you need treatment to correct the uneven teeth and improve the health, function, and beauty of your smile. We can offer orthodontics like braces or even invisible ClearCorrect® aligners. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about our orthodontic treatments.
How A Tooth Extraction Could Save Smiles
When a tooth is beyond repair with a crown, or if you have wisdom teeth soon to erupt, then you may need a tooth extraction. Removing the tooth could prevent infection from reaching other teeth or moving into the jawbone. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how tooth extractions could save your smile.
Keeping Smiles Whole With Root Canal Therapy
When a tooth develops an infection, you may need more than a filling to treat the issue and save your tooth. You could benefit from an endodontic treatment that addresses concerns in the interior of your tooth. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we keep smiles whole and stop discomfort with a root canal procedure.
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