When you snore frequently or feel tired during the day, this could mean the presence of a serious disorder known as sleep apnea. Our team knows how to diagnose and treat these concerns, so you can feel more relaxed. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist looks at how we stop snoring and sleep apnea.
Struggling With Your Rest? Talk To Our Team

Do you find that you are already tired before noon? If you are not receiving the proper amount of quality sleep throughout the night, it may be a symptom of a common sleep disorder known as chronic obstructive sleep apnea. This condition occurs when your throat becomes a little too relaxed overnight, causing your airway… Read more »
Wake Up Ready To Face The Day

Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that centers around the biological structures of the throat. At night, we undergo a period known as REM sleep, or rapid eye movement. Your body can operate in tricky ways during this deepest form of slumber. Sleep apnea occurs when throat tissue collapses in on itself… Read more »
Treating Sleep Apnea Without A CPAP Device

If you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), then you’re likely exhausted and could be suffering from impacts on your overall health (and even your heart health). Fortunately, we can offer a comfortable treatment option, one that doesn’t even require the use of a CPAP machine. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about oral… Read more »
Sleep Apnea: Relationships You Don’t Realize You’re Affecting
You may already have a good understanding of the fact that your sleep apnea can have a strong impact on the relationship you have with your significant other. However, that doesn’t mean you have pushed yourself to consider all of the other relationships that you have and the fact that your sleep disorder may be… Read more »
Keep A Morning Symptom Journal If You Suspect Sleep Apnea
You can track symptoms all day long, of course. However, it’s often easiest to write down what’s going on in the morning because you’ve got just enough time to do so before your busy day gets started! In addition, there are many symptoms of sleep apnea that show up when you wake up, since this… Read more »
Sleep Apnea: A Loose Timeline
There are no hard and fast rules or answers when it comes to time related details associated with sleep apnea. For instance, perhaps you’re looking for a solid number regarding how frequently you wake up at night. Maybe you want to know exactly how many years this issue is going to affect you. The truth… Read more »
Sleep Apnea: What You’re Risking
When you suffer from sleep apnea and you wait on seeing us for sleep apnea treatment, you’re putting many things in harm’s way. What are you risking exactly, when it comes to the more serious details? To put it simply: Your well being! Didn’t know that this frustrating disorder that keeps you from restful sleep… Read more »
Sleep Apnea: What You Need For Holiday Sleep!
The holidays are coming! Yes, you know. You’ve already been dealing with the soon-to-arrive holidays for what feels like a very long time and we’re down to crunch time! While it is, of course, something to feel excited about, there’s also some anxiety that comes with the territory. You need to plan. You may even… Read more »
Sleep Apnea: 3 Changes To Make Immediately
There’s nothing quite like the fatigue and other symptoms of sleep apnea disorder to motivate you to make some changes! Once you discover that this is the cause of your trouble with feeling rested, finding a way to resolve the situation, so you feel energized again becomes a priority. So, where to begin as you… Read more »
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