Regular brushing and flossing habits, as well as regular visits to the dentist are strong foundations for good oral health. When these important steps are neglected, a film of plaque (formed by the natural interaction of bacteria, saliva and food particles) stays on the teeth, hardening into tartar deposits, and irritating and inflaming the gums…. Read more »
Toothache? 5 Possible Causes of Dental Pain
Are you experiencing a toothache or gum discomfort? There are many possible sources of your dental pain, the most common of which could be a cavity or inflamed gums. But your toothache could be signaling more than just your average cavity. Consider these possible causes of your pain and schedule a dental check-up to review… Read more »
What Should You Do in a Dental Emergency?
Accidents happen. With the nature of life’s ebbs and flows, it is inevitable that you will experience unexpected discomfort or trauma, such as a dental emergency. A dental emergency is an oral condition that requires immediate attention. Though dental emergencies are not life-threatening, they are often conditions that cannot wait too long for dental attention,… Read more »
Cosmetic Contouring For A Reshaped Smile: A Quiz
Feeling sad about your smile because it actually looks good – for the most part – but you wish you could smooth out a problem here and there? We encourage patients to learn more about cosmetic contouring when their problems revolve around issues easily solved with minor tissue removal. Imagine for a moment that you… Read more »
What Is TMJ Disorder?
Most dental health issues, like tooth decay and gum disease, occur in stages, and treatment depends on the stage that your condition is in. Likewise, TMJ disorder can develop to varying degrees, but it can also describe more than one specific condition. Any issue that involves damage, inflammation, dislocation, or misalignment in your jaw’s joints… Read more »
The Fight Against Plague
Why do parents constantly tell their kids to brush their teeth before they go to bed? Is it because they were told as children to do the same thing? Or could it be that they want to fight dental plaque along with trips to the dentist as much as possible? It is considered common knowledge that… Read more »
Do You Have Bruxism?
Wondering why your teeth feel so sensitive? Tired of dealing with tender jaws? You may suffer from teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. This disorder may result in a variety of uncomfortable side effects, including stress on your jaw joints. The good news? By seeking out bruxism treatment with your dentist, you can improve your… Read more »
Sugar Hide and Seek for Better Dental Health
You know that sugar is bad for your teeth and not very good for your body either. However, do you know all of the places where sugar hides? Obvious sources for sucrose include candy, soda, and ice cream. You would probably register shock if you knew that certain smoothies which claim to be healthy have… Read more »
Modern Dental Technology for Greater Convenience and Comfort
Can you imagine going back to the days before we had smartphones, iPods, or even Facebook? You would survive, of course, but these are just a few examples of how technology benefits our daily life. At the office of Dr. Newton, we’re no strangers to the joys of technology. Our adoption of innovative and effective… Read more »
Can Unhealthy Sinuses Make Healthy Teeth Hurt?
Tooth sensitivity is a common malady and can indicate a number of issues. For instance, tooth decay and gum disease expose the sensitive parts of your teeth, such as the pulp where the nerves are held or the roots that are connected to them. The result is often severe discomfort that warns you to seek… Read more »
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