Straightening Your Smile With Orthodontic Treatment

celina orthodontic treatment

When you or a member of your family have an uneven smile, this could lead to issues with the appearance and health of your smile. To correct their position, you could benefit from orthodontic treatment. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about braces and our ClearCorrect aligners.

Jawbone Grafting Could Rebuild A Smile

celina bone grafting

When you lose a tooth, you don’t just end up with a gap in your smile. Over time, you could also develop a weakened jawbone that complicates tooth replacement. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we prepare your smile for dental implant placement with jawbone grafting.

Our Full Dentures Look Natural 

Celina full dentures

When you lose the majority of your smile, then this could mean a poorer quality of life. However, your Celina, TX, dentist could address total tooth loss with a lifelike denture, one custom-made for your smile. In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss how we address advanced cases of missing teeth.

Partial Dentures Could Mean A Perfect Smile Again

Celina partial dentures

A dental bridge sometimes isn’t enough to address your tooth loss. If you have more than one gap in your smile, a partial could fill the gaps and protect the rest of the smile. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we create and secure a set of partial dentures, and how… Read more »

Creating Your Hand-Crafted Dental Bridges

celina bridges

A dental bridge is a method of treating minor tooth loss, usually between one and three in a row. In addition to filling the gaps in your smile, these also offer a lifelike appearance. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we handcraft your dental bridges, and the long-term benefits of treating… Read more »

A Custom Approach To Your Crowns

celina dental crowns

When a smile needs treatment for an advanced cavity, or a cracked or chipped tooth, then a crown may be the best option. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we make a custom approach to creating and placing dental crowns, and how we ensure they always look natural and blend with… Read more »

Staying Free Of Holiday Cavities

celina preventing cavities

The holiday season is a time of giving and cheer, but also a time of foods high in sugar and starch. Which means a greater risk of tooth decay in the coming weeks and months. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how you can enjoy your holiday food and also lower your… Read more »

Why A Tooth Extraction Is Sometimes Necessary

celina tooth extraction

When possible, we use restorations to treat issues ranging from decay and infection to damaged teeth. But sometimes, issues become so severe that to save your smile, we need to remove these teeth with a tooth extraction. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks when a tooth extraction is necessary for your oral health.

A Root Canal Could Stop Infection

celina root canal

When your tooth develops an infection, this could lead to serious discomfort and over time, even the loss of the tooth altogether. To offer relief and preserve your smile, you may need more than a dental filling. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist will discuss how we use an endodontic procedure known as root… Read more »

Creating Fillings That Are Tooth-Colored

celina dental fillings

Just because you have a cavity, doesn’t mean you need to have a metal restoration. Instead, we could opt for a tooth-colored version with composite resin. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist wants to explain how to recognize cavities, and discuss the benefits of our tooth-colored composite resin dental fillings.