Learn About Your Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Office Woman Celina TXDo you wince every time you smile in the mirror? If you have concerns about the way that your smile looks, take the time to speak with a trusted team of dental professionals about your possibilities in cosmetic dentistry. Your appearance affects every new connection that you make with another person, so talk with your dentist about your options in enhancing your smile.

At our dental office in Celina, TX, we are here to help you to improve your look, while keeping the strength of your oral health at the forefront of every decision. For the removal of your stubborn stains, we proudly offer you a choice between whitening treatment in the office or from the comfort of your own home.

We can also help you to enhance your smile with a nearly invisible alignment solution from ClearCorrect®, allowing you to continue your daily activities without showing the world your cosmetic smile process. In addition to these forms of care, we also perform the placement of elegant new porcelain veneers in order to help you to achieve a more graceful and symmetrical smile. Remember that you have options in your cosmetic dentistry from our team! (more…)

Taking Steps To Prevent Tooth Decay

Small Business Owner Celina TXHave you been lax about your brushing and flossing? Your smile maintenance is something that you need to take care of for your entire life. If you are struggling with your preventive care, reinvigorate your routine with a visit to your dentist for a cleaning and examination. While you are here, we can talk about some tips and tricks to help you to improve your existing regimen in order to keep your smile safe.

At our office in Celina, TX, we are here to assist you in retaining and maintaining your smile through helpful prevention. This starts with your specialized schedule of semiannual checkups with a quality dental provider, so take advantage of the opportunity. Bring up all of your questions, no matter how small, so that we can find a routine that works for your schedule. You have the power to take control of your dentistry with cleanings and examinations! (more…)

The Advantages Of Professional Whitening

Volunteer Celina TXAs the weather starts to warm up, you may be looking for a way to improve the appearance of your smile. In these situations, talk to your dental provider about gently lifting the stains from your teeth. When you rely upon supermarket products for your cosmetic dentistry, you put yourself at risk of weakening your enamel. This can lead to dentin sensitivity, so take the time to talk with your oral health professional about your possibilities.

With our staff in Celina, TX, you have options in your cosmetic teeth whitening process. We proudly offer you two differing forms of treatment, so there is a solution that fits your timeline. One of these is a simple at-home set of custom trays that hold our effective lifting agent. Wear these for a set period of time each night, and let them start to break down your stains on a molecular level. For an even quicker solution, talk with a member of our team about whitening in the office! (more…)

A Lasting Solution With Dental Implants

Business Woman Celina TXIf you have recently lost a tooth, or if you have received a diagnosis requiring the extraction of one or more of your natural teeth, the next step is important. You have options in the prosthodontic repair of your smile, so take the time to speak with a team of quality dental care professionals about your particular needs. After all, each smile requires a dedicated form of treatment to address your specific instance of tooth loss.

We are proud to offer biocompatible dental implants at our dental practice in Celina, TX, giving you the chance to replace your missing tooth with a solution that builds its strength from a secure connection to your jaw. With this method, you can work to retain your bone tissue, limiting the change in your appearance due to the resorption of this material. Implants are possible for the replacement of a single tooth and can be expanded to include more. Discover all the advantages of dental implants with a visit to your provider! (more…)

Struggling With Your Rest? Talk To Our Team

Sleep guy Celina TXDo you find that you are already tired before noon? If you are not receiving the proper amount of quality sleep throughout the night, it may be a symptom of a common sleep disorder known as chronic obstructive sleep apnea. This condition occurs when your throat becomes a little too relaxed overnight, causing your airway to become blocked. While this may seem like problem snoring at first glance, sleep apnea can lead to serious health concerns.

We can help you to understand your sleep disorder at Celina Family Dentistry. Take the time to see a qualified oral health professional about your apnea, and discover the advantages of a full night of restful sleep. One of the methods available to you is a non-surgical solution known as an oral appliance, which gently shifts your jaw forward, keeping your airway open while you sleep. Talk to us about your rest and see how an oral appliance can improve your sleep! (more…)

Dental Crowns For Damaged Teeth

Flare Woman Celina TXEven with a dedication to your hygiene routine of brushing and flossing, you can still experience a cracked or broken tooth. If this happens to you, be sure that you contact a trained dental professional quickly after your injury. Bacteria can form colonies within the structure of your damaged tooth, and this can lead to a seriously painful toothache if you allow this to happen.

For the restoration of your injured tooth, reach out to a trusted name in dentistry in Celina, TX. At Celina Family Dentistry, we are here to help you to find a solution that fits your particular smile needs, including the placement of a beautiful new dental crown. If you have already begun to experience pain and discomfort, we can also perform a root canal therapy procedure in order to help you to feel better, free of bacterial infection. Reach out to our team and start your path toward regaining control over your smile! (more…)

Take Advantage Of Your Semiannual Checkup

Guy Shirt Celina TXDo you ask all of your questions when you visit the dentist? There may be some things that you would like to bring up when you come in for a cleaning and examination, but are hesitant to ask. We invite you to discuss everything that you experience with your oral health, so we can help you to correct any issues that are bothering you. After all, you spend all day with your smile!

Even with a dedication to your home dental hygiene regimen, you require semiannual checkups at least twice per calendar year. Let us know all the things that you would like to improve about your smile while you are in the office, and Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX can help you to find a positive solution. If it helps, keep track of your needs by jotting down any symptoms you experience over the week prior to your appointment, then bring these notes to your provider. Your examination and cleaning is an opportunity to discuss your needs! (more…)

Porcelain Veneers Bring You Positive Change

Woman Outside Celina TXAre you completely satisfied with your smile? Most people have something that they would like to change. Not all of us are born with the perfect set of genetics for a perfect smile. Even then you might experience wear or damage to your teeth that you would like to correct. Your enamel cannot repair itself or regrow, so over time, you could be left with an unappealing appearance.

If you are searching for a positive solution to your cosmetic dental concern, reach out to a helping provider about your options. At Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX, we are here to guide you through the process of improving your look by reaching your smile goals. One of our methods of enhancement is the process of porcelain veneer placement, which uses a thin layer (or veneer) of ceramic to cover your existing tooth. This option can bring you a versatile solution to multiple problems, so be sure to mention everything that you would like to change during your initial appointment. We are here to help you achieve a more beautiful smile! (more…)

Implant Possibilities For Younger Adults

Park Beanie Man Celina TXAnyone can require the extraction of a tooth, as decay and injury can affect us all. If you have lost a part of your natural smile, speak with a knowledgeable dentist about your options in prosthodontic replacement. You have choices in your repair, and it is helpful to lean on a trusted source of information about your particular situation.

Younger people may see material about dental implants, and not identify with the people in the photos, but this is an option for adult patients of any age. This process utilizes a titanium post for its strength, giving you a lasting repair that can be beneficial into the future. Dental implants can help you to avoid the resorption of your jaw bone tissue, allowing you to retain as much of your natural biological material as possible. Speak with a member of our team at Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX to discover how a dental implant can be a benefit to you! (more…)

Treating Your Sleep Disorder Without Surgery

Coffee Man Celina TXOf the five most prevalent sleep disorders within the United States, two are directly related to your oral health. The first of these is chronic obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when your own natural throat tissue collapses on itself. During these times, you cannot receive the proper amount of oxygen, and these pauses can sometimes last longer than a minute! Another common condition is bruxism, which is the unconscious grinding of your teeth. When this happens overnight, it can lead to serious wear of your enamel, as well as misalignment.

An oral appliance is a method that can protect your smile by positioning your jaw in a way that prevents these conditions. For obstructive sleep apnea, a gentle move forward is often enough to keep the airway open while you sleep. This device can also help you to prevent the collision of your teeth overnight, keeping your enamel safe from bruxism wear. At Celina Family Dentistry in Celina, TX, we offer a form of treatment that is effective for the continuing care and improvement of these common sleep disorders. (more…)