What’s so great about scheduling a visit for a tooth-colored filling, you wonder to yourself? Well, there are actually a lot of answers to that question. If you’re not very familiar with this type of restorative treatment, then you are likely not informed about its benefits yet! See how much you know (or fill up on some very exciting advantages) as you make your way through a speedy quiz.
Dental Hygiene Products: Tricks For Getting The Most Out Of Them
Just like anything else, you want to get the absolute most from the smile health related products you’re purchasing for your smile. Unfortunately, it’s surprisingly easy to accidentally waste precious dollars on your dental hygiene if you’re not careful. The silver lining? Since we’ve seen this before and happen to know a thing or two about maximizing your product selections, we can reflect on this potential pitfall and help you avoid it with ease. Try out our recommendations!
Quiz: Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance Therapy
When you’re looking for a way to treat your sleep apnea, you may find that some of the options out there do not sound too pleasant. What you want is to sleep through the night. What you don’t want is to deal with anything that feels overwhelming or unpleasant. Fortunately, we prefer to offer oral appliance therapy as your sleep apnea treatment. Not sure you’re too familiar? Our quiz will help out with that.
Puffy Gums: Cosmetic Problem Or Not?
There’s no one reason that a patient might have puffy gums. Nope. There are, instead, a variety of reasons this might be happening to your smile. To make matters even more complex, puffiness may generally suggest that a simple esthetic issue is afoot or that you are headed toward serious problems due to gum disease. Since figuring out what your puffed-up gum tissue means for your smile and oral health is important, we invite you to come in as soon as you can! For the present moment, a bit of clarification is helpful.
Veneers: 4 Things That Will Make You Smile
In addition to looking forward to a smile that’s much more visually satisfying, we are happy to announce that there are many things to smile about in regard to choosing porcelain veneers. We know, too, that you might have a lot of questions on your mind about what you can expect. To help cut down on your concerns and increase your confidence in this cosmetic treatment, we offer up four things that are sure to offer the reassurance you need.
Sleep Apnea Treatment: It Can Be Comfortable!
Are you someone who has been diagnosed with sleep apnea? Are you under the impression that this is probably what’s affecting your sleep but you’re not entirely sure (if so, come in for a consultation!). The good news is that whatever you’ve heard or whatever treatment you expect, you will be pleased to discover that it can be extremely comfortable, noninvasive, and highly effective. Not sure you believe us? Allow us to provide the details of what you can expect from our sleep apnea treatment for a clearer understanding.
3 Things You Should Really Know About Extractions
If you need a tooth extraction but this is new territory for you, then it’s most certainly wise to begin by taking in some very important information. The very first thing we want for you to do is to realize you’re making a wonderful choice for your smile, that everything’s going to be A-OK, and we are here to ensure your visit is relaxing. Take a few particulars to heart, so your feelings about extractions become overwhelmingly positive!
Being Prepared For A Dental Emergency
It is important to stay calm when an emergency of any kind happens. The best way to stay calm is to feel prepared. A dental emergency can be anything from a broken crown to a knocked-out tooth to severe pain from a toothache. You may ask yourself questions like, “Is this an emergency?,” “What should I do?,” and “Who do I call?.” Having these answers already in your brain will keep you calm in the face of high adrenaline caused by the emergency. (more…)
Why, How, And When To Brush Your Tongue
The thought of brushing your tongue as part of your dental hygiene might feel very unfamiliar to you. However, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t something you should be doing. The truth is, we suggest that you clean this part of your oral system every day! To help take the edge off of any shock you might be feeling (and to ensure you know what to do from here on out), we suggest you take our advice seriously!
Bruxism: Important Questions
There’s something about bruxism disorder that can really confuse people. Do you know what it is? Well, one of the main problems in diagnosing yourself is the fact that there’s a very good chance you’re not even aware of the grinding or clenching that’s going on. As a result, we’d like to ask you some important questions that will help you receive bruxism treatment if you need it.
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