Celina, TX Dentist Reminds You to Wash Your Hands

Blowing NoseIt’s that time of year when sniffles and sneezes abound. Hacking coughs echo through the halls of office buildings, classrooms, and malls. You feel that tickle in your throat and hope that it will just be a mild cold and not something more dastardly like a flu, bronchitis, strep throat, or pneumonia. Celina, TX dentist, Dr. Newton, relishes the opportunity to help patients prioritize hand washing and health.

Wash Your Hands Often

Germs and bacteria are everywhere—in the air, on the ground, on the walls, and on the surfaces of everything you touch. Furthermore, these germs can easily transfer between what you touch and your hands. Short of always wearing gloves and a surgical mask, there is nothing you can do to keep these invaders (more…)

Celina, TX Cosmetic Dentist Offers Snap-On Smiles

Happy Thumbs Up GuyYou may not be rushing your Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, but there are certain things in life that we have become accustomed to getting fast. If you are in a hurry, you can get a meal quickly. If you want to watch a movie, or hear a song, you can now download them from any number of internet sources with one click. There are even faster dentistry procedures such as one hour teeth whitening and one visit dental crowns. One example is the Snap-On Smile which Celina, TX cosmetic dentist, Dr. Newton, offers to patients.

Faster than Veneers

The fastest way to make over your smile in the past was porcelain veneers, which generally take a minimum of two appointments. Imagine an oral appliance that fits over your natural teeth, literally snapping securely into place. This instantaneous new grin is what you can expect from the non-invasive cosmetic dental procedure: Snap-On Smile. Among the exciting elements of this dental (more…)

Celina, TX Emergency Dentist Prepares Patients for the Unexpected

Ice PackWhat is the best way to deal with an emergency? In general, it is recommended that you stay calm. Of course, that is much easier said than done when the adrenaline is coursing through your veins and fear and shock have overtaken you. With any crisis, the best way to hope to stay calm is to educate yourself prior to any emergency, so you know what to do. The same applies to a dental emergency. If you have already trained yourself on the proper steps of how to handle a shocking injury, you’re much more likely to be able to make it to the office of Celina, TX emergency dentist, Dr. Newton, in an expedient manner. (more…)

Celina, TX Dentist Quizzes Patients on Sleep Apnea

True or False ColorfulSnoring and sleep apnea may not sound like dental issues, but dentists can actually help patients suffering from these problems. Sleep is a very important part of a fruitful and happy life. Celina, TX  dentist, Dr. Newton, will challenge you to a quiz on the condition of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).


Q1. True or false – There is only one form of sleep apnea.

Q2. True or false – Heart disease and diabetes have both been linked to OSA.

Q3. True or False – Most patients find oral appliances more comfortable then CPAP machines for treating sleep apnea.

Q4. True or false – You are at a higher risk for sleep apnea if you are a male over 40. (more…)

Celina, TX Dentist Speaks about Sleep Apnea in Teens

Teen AsleepMany parents battle with their teenagers to get them to wake up earlier. Commonly, if left to their own devices, teens naturally gravitate to a stay-up-late/sleep-in-late schedule. Teenagers actually require 8 ½ to 9 ½ hours of sleep every night to function at full capacity. Many teens experience a huge sleep deficit, particularly during the school year. Your Celina, TX  dentist, Dr. Newton, explains why burning the midnight oil and sleeping through breakfast is attractive to teenagers, and why we should be aware of potential sleep apnea issues. (more…)

Trick-or-Treat from your Celina, TX Children’s Dentist

HalloweenKidsAre your little ghouls and goblins ready for a night of trick-or-treating and excitement tomorrow? Halloween is just a day away, and while children may see this holiday as a haven for their sweet tooth, many parents and dentists are concerned with the poor oral health that can come from indulging in too much sugar. Luckily, as with most enjoyable foods and drinks that may not be the best for our health, moderation is key. Your Celina, TX children’s dentist, Dr. Newton, will remind you of the steps you and your child should be taking to ensure that the occasional evening of candy binging can go off without a dental hitch.

Dental Hygiene Always

Schedules can certainly be hectic, especially as the holidays begin to ramp up. On a night like Halloween, kids stay out a little later, run out of time for homework, and might become wired from all of the candy and excitement. What goes up must come down, so every sugar-high will come crashing to the ground eventually. This may mean that your child conks out with their full costume (more…)

Celina Dentist Masters the Art of Gum Contouring

Smile Hand Under ChinGums provide the frame of your smile. They also seal and protect the sensitive roots of your teeth. You probably focus on someone’s teeth – their shape, their color – when they smile at you. When someone is born with uneven gums, or too much gum tissue, these smile characteristics are also liable to stand out. Fortunately, there is a cosmetic dental solution. Your Celina dentist, Dr. Newton, will explain why many patients opt for a procedure called gum contouring when they feel their gums don’t look quite right.

Excessive Gum Tissue

Too much gum tissue can be too much of a good thing. Having this as a part of your appearance will make their teeth look unusually small; almost child-like. You have probably seen someone cover their mouth when they smile, or try to open their mouth at the bare minimum when they reciprocate your grin. Smiles are a major part of social interactions, and being uncomfortable with yours can lower your quality of life. Statistics and research have proven that people with confident smiles tend to have more success on the job and in their relationships. If your main complaint is your excess gum tissue, gum contouring procedures can precisely remove what you don’t need and unveil a beautiful, well-proportioned smile. (more…)

Celina Dentist Explains Links between Teeth and Breast Cancer

Women All AgesOctober is an important month if you have been affected by breast cancer. This is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pink ribbons have been brought to popularity by the Susan G. Komen Foundation to represent solidarity with breast cancer patients. Your Celina dentist, Dr. Newton, wants to show her support by educating you on the links between breast cancer and dental issues.

Gum Disease and Breast Cancer

From 1985 to 2001, the World Health Organization (WHO) researched periodontal (gum) disease in connection with breast cancer. Over 3000 participants from ages 30 to 40 were studied. A significantly (more…)

Celina Dentist Recommends Yoga for Better Sleep

YogaBedMost people find that vigorous exercise before sleep can be the equivalent of drinking a pot of coffee right before bed. Exercise is a fantastic practice that can generally help attain better sleep, but timing is imperative. A mind and body full of energy from a good workout will be hard pressed to drift off to sleep easily. However, light yoga before bed can give you the body benefits of a workout without the energy surge, and create an overall relaxation conducive to deep sleep. Celina dentist, Dr. Newton helps patients with sleep issues such as snoring and sleep apnea, and understands how important good, high-quality sleep is.

Breathing Deep; Sleeping Deep

Yoga centers on breathing. The meditative elements of yoga may include something as simple as sitting on your bed in a comfortable position with good posture, and breathing deeply, in and out. Some people find that repeating a mantra in (more…)

Dental Implants: The Most Life-Like Tooth Replacement says Prosper Dentist

Aging CoupleLife is just not the same without teeth. You can try to survive when dental loss befalls you, but what will your quality of life really be like if you have nothing to smile with, nothing to chew with, nothing to keep your jawbone dense and healthy. Teeth do more than just show others that your happy.  If you want to preserve your looks and the function of your teeth, you’ll want to consider replacement options. You do have several, but arguably, the most natural, tooth-like prospect would be dental implant retained dentures. Your Prosper dentist, Dr. Newton, would like to tell you more about what many people simply refer to as dental implants.

Natural and Realistic Replacement

Your teeth are more complicated than they may appear at first sight. There is much more going on below the gumline than the simple crown that you see when you smile, laugh, or speak. Sealed in by your gums is a lower region called dental pulp which is comprised of roots, nerves, and other important tissues that keep your teeth strong, healthy, and sufficiently (more…)