When you lose your teeth, whether due to poor oral hygiene or injury, you could develop complications in the health, function, and appearance of your smile. To provide a replacement that protects and preserves your smile, we could recommend dental implants. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about our approach to dental implant placement, including same-day solutions!
A Tooth-Colored Option For Fillings
A dental filling treats tooth decay and protects the smile from infection. But instead of relying solely on metal materials, our team can provide a filling with a natural-looking composite resin material. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about our tooth-colored dental fillings and what makes them look natural.
Icon® Offers Solutions For Your Teeth’s White Spots
Do you have unsightly white spots on your teeth? Often, this could be due to weakened enamel and without care, you could risk tooth decay. You may also find teeth whitening fails to remove them. But your Celina, TX, dentist can offer a solution that also strengthens the teeth with our Icon® infiltrant.
Improved Smiles With Laser Gum Contouring
When you have a smile that shows off too much gum tissue, this can impact the beauty of your smile. This could also alter how your teeth appear, making them seem uneven or too short or long. But we have a cosmetic treatment that can correct these issues! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about laser gum contouring.
How ClearCorrect Offers An Even Smile
Do you wish you could have an even smile, one free of dental misalignment? Then you should consider treatment for misalignment with orthodontics! Instead of metal braces, your Celina, TX, dentist can offer straighter smiles with our custom and comfortable ClearCorrect aligners, so you enjoy better oral health and a smile that makes you feel more confident.
How Restorative Dentistry Repairs Your Smile
When you have chipped or cracked a tooth, or tooth decay or infection develops in one or more teeth, then you need restorative dentistry to address these concerns. With these custom treatments, we can restore your teeth and prevent major complications, such as worsening pain or even tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about restorative dentistry! You don’t have to live with persistent discomfort or the risk of further damage and complications, we can help in as little as one or two visits to transform your oral health!
Single-Visit Cosmetic Treatment Options
When you have issues with the shape and color of your teeth, we could offer major improvement in a single visit. With dental bonding and contouring, our team can address multiple cosmetic imperfections in one appointment. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about the process of tooth bonding and dental contouring.
Transforming Smile Beauty With Porcelain Veneers
Do you have several concerns with the beauty of your smile? If so, then you could enjoy treatment that corrects multiple imperfections all at once, with a smile makeover possible in just two visits. Your Celina, TX, dentist can offer stunning results in two visits with custom porcelain veneers.
Preventive Dentistry Keeps Your Smile Strong
Our team believes in taking a preventive approach to your oral health. With our preventive general treatments, we can help patients of all ages avoid tooth decay, gum disease, teeth grinding damage, and other oral health concerns. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist discusses the benefits of seeing us for preventive treatment, so you can enjoy your best possible smile!
How A Dental Crown Repairs Your Smile
When a tooth becomes damaged, or if one develops a serious decay, then a filling may not be enough to repair the tooth and prevent complications. Instead, you may need a full restoration known as a dental crown. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we create and place our custom dental crowns.
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