Preventive Dentistry Can Protect Your Family’s Smiles

celina preventive dentistryOur team offers preventive dentistry to help protect kids and adults alike from issues ranging from cavities to gum disease, even teeth grinding. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about how we can prevent these concerns and safeguard the health, beauty, and function of your smile!

Dental Checkups and Cleanings

Smiles of all ages need to undergo a checkup and cleaning every six months. The checkup part of the visit involves our team taking a close examination of your teeth and gums with advanced imaging technology, so we can make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy, addressing concerns before they threaten smile stability. We look for everything from cavities and gingivitis to gum disease and bruxism. During the cleaning portion, we will remove all plaque and tartar from the teeth to fight bad breath, teeth stains, gingivitis, and tooth decay, keeping smiles bright, healthy, and strong.

Perio Cleanings

Preventive dentistry can also help your gum health! What if you have high risk factors for gum disease, or we find sore, red gums that bleed easily? In this scenario, you likely have gingivitis or the early stages of gum disease, and treatment is crucial to prevent the later stage linked to adult tooth loss. With a perio cleaning, we will remove plaque and tartar with an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual pick, and also from the exposed roots to remove buildup and bacterial deposits from the smile. The procedure could take one visit or up to four, depending on the severity of your buildup. We will take action to ensure the procedure is a comfortable one, and polish the teeth afterward to brighten your smile and make it harder for plaque and tartar to adhere to the teeth before we see you again.

Oral Cancer Screenings

For adults, preventive dentistry can also include screening for oral cancer during your checkup visits, using advanced imaging technology to identify areas of possible cancerous or precancerous tissues. We can then recommend a biopsy if needed, and refer you to a specialist. Oral cancer has a high mortality rate, mainly because the issue is rarely caught in the early stages. But with a screening twice a year, this increases the chances of an early diagnosis and a full recovery.

Children’s Dental Treatments

We also offer preventive dentistry for kids! We can conduct detailed checkups, and protect their smiles with a dental cleaning. We also have fluoride treatments, in which we apply a unique varnish to the teeth during checkups. The fluoride mineral strengthens outer enamel to lower the risk of cavities, even in weakened portions of the enamel. The application takes seconds, and kids just need to avoid food and drink for about 30 minutes. We also have dental sealants, in which we apply an acrylic coating to the rear teeth, which kids often have a hard time reaching. This lowers the risk of cavities as food and drink particles can no longer become stuck between these teeth. These sealants can then say in place for up to ten years, wearing away gradually with time.

Silver Diamine Fluoride  

With Silver Diamine Fluoride, we can apply a special treatment to the weakened portions of your enamel, places where a cavity is soon to develop. The material then halts the rate of decay, preventing the need for a filling and protecting the outer enamel. Application takes only seconds, and this can help smiles of all ages avoid the need for placing a filling or crown if the decay is caught early enough.

Treating Teeth Grinding

Often, people with bruxism grind their teeth at night on a regular basis, which can damage enamel and wear down the teeth, impacting the health, function, and beauty of your smile. We have a noninvasive treatment option to bring relief. We will create an oral appliance based on detailed digital images we take of your smile. We use these images to design and fabricate an oral appliance that fits like a mouthguard and is worn while you sleep. The device then repositions the jaw to ease stress and strain, and puts a barrier between the upper and lower sets of teeth to prevent further damage.

If you have any questions about how our team protects smiles of all ages with preventive dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk to Our Team About Preventive Dentistry

Our team wants to help smiles of all ages stay healthy and bright for years to come with preventive dentistry. To learn more about preventive dentistry. or to schedule your next visit, give us a call at Celina Family Dentistry at (214) 851-0130!