These Suggestions Can Help You With Cavity Prevention

Are you concerned about the formation of a cavity, and determined to make it your last? Have you grown alarmed by difficulties maintaining your oral health? While different people can have different degrees of difficulty with cavity prevention, there are certain measures that can help anyone avoid problems with poor dental health. One thing you should certainly do is make sure you have access to professional preventive dental care. Our Celina, TX dentist’s office helps patients avoid problems through professional teeth cleanings, as well as through oral health evaluations that can identify problems in their early stages. With access to your dentist’s support, and a more thorough routine at home, you can have greater success controlling your risks for cavities! (more…)

Make Sure You Stick To A Smile-Friendly Morning Routine

healthy breakfastYour morning routine can set your mood for the day. Some people are natural early risers who make the most of their time before their responsibilities need to be addressed, while others struggle to fully awaken unless they enjoy every minute of sleep available to them. No matter what your start to the day usually looks like, it should include time spent cleaning your smile. When we sleep, our bodies reduce saliva production, which allows any oral bacteria present in our mouths to multiply with less interference. If you frequently wake up with “morning breath,” this can be why. Cleaning your teeth thoroughly when your day begins fights this buildup. You can also protect your teeth by making smart choices at the breakfast table and limiting your sugar intake. Remember that our Celina, TX dentist’s office is happy to offer tips and guidance on daily care when you come in for routine dental appointments. (more…)

Let Your Dentist Know You Have Concerns About A Restoration

young woman happy about the appearance of her restored smileOnce you have a dental filling or dental crown put in place, the tooth protected by your restoration should remain safe. They do more than just avoid future problems with infection or injury – fillings and crowns make it possible for you to safely apply bite pressure to a tooth, which means you can stick to natural biting and chewing functions. If you start to feel that your restored tooth is no longer able to do this, or if the tooth begins to feel uncomfortable, you should let your dentist know. When a filling or crown breaks, loosens, or becomes lost, the supported tooth is vulnerable to problems. At our Celina, TX dentist’s office, we can take a look at an older restoration, or one that has been damaged, and provide a dependable replacement. (more…)

3 Tips You Can Use To Keep Your Child Cavity-Free

man showing three fingersAre your kids at risk for tooth decay, or are they enjoying effective protection against oral health threats? Parents often fret that they are not doing enough to help their children stay safe and healthy. When it comes to managing their oral health in particular, you may have a hard time knowing what your role should be in supporting them, particularly when they are old enough to brush and floss on their own. You can help them by being a good role model, by encouraging them to stick with good habits, and by providing healthy food and drink options. You can also help them by bringing them in for pediatric dental exams. At our Celina, TX dentist’s office, we are ready to help patients of all ages keep their teeth in good shape! (more…)

What Sleep Deprivation Can Do To Your Oral Care Routine

example of a tired personIf you have ever suffered from an extended period of sleep deprivation, you can be familiar with how it can affect your energy, your disposition, and your ability to focus. It should be noted that when you are struggling with fatigue, a lack of concentration, and other issues from lack of sleep, your oral care routine could become compromised. People sometimes fail to realize how, in their exhausted state, they no longer put the same time and care into brushing and flossing that they used to. Unfortunately, this can lead to a higher risk for dental problems that require professional care! Our Celina, TX dentist’s office is prepared to offer those restorative dental services, but we can also offer guidance and consistent support to help you prevent dental issues from occurring. (more…)

Restore Your Bite And Smile Through Prosthetic Dental Work

senior man with an attractive smileProsthetic dental work can help you grow more comfortable with your appearance by making your smile appear complete once again. Because it is possibly to secure a permanent prosthetic, the work of restoring your complete smile can also help you bite and chew with greater comfort. Our Celina, TX dentist’s office has provided this restorative dental work for patients with different degrees of tooth loss. The right procedure can increase your comfort with biting, chewing, and speaking while also raising your confidence levels. A restoration secured with a dental implant can also provide support to prevent issues with jawbone deterioration, a problem that can worsen over time after tooth loss. (more…)

3 Reasons To Protect Yourself Against Tartar Buildup

Our practice has opened and is once again helping patients take care of their smiles. While we are excited to help people in and around Celina, TX with their oral health needs, remember that there are measures you can take at home to effectively protect your teeth. With a good oral care routine in place, you can do important work to fight the buildup of tartar on your smile. Tartar deposits form when plaque buildup hardens in place. While this substance can be removed during a professional teeth cleaning, you will not be able to address it through brushing and flossing. Fortunately, thorough and consistent habits can effectively protect you by removing plaque deposits before tartar can form! (more…)

Our Commitment To Keeping Our Office Safe For Our Patients

Our practice is proud to serve the people in and around Celina, TX, and we are excited to begin providing dental care again. With that said, we wanted to address the steps we are taking to make sure our patients feel safe and cared for when they arrive, and when they undergo care. As we return to normal operations, we are making changes to how our practice operates so that people can more easily practice social distancing, and to limit any potential spread of illness to patients or our team members. We are closely following updates and reports from the CDC, the ADA, and OSHA so we will be prepared to make any new changes to ensure that we provide a safe and secure environment. Everyone on our team is committed to making your treatment experience safe and comfortable. While we are making some temporary changes for your protection, our commitment to providing a clean and safe space to provide quality dental care has been consistent since our practice opened, and something that you can always count on. (more…)

Make Sure You Protect Yourself Against Gingivitis

When you brush and floss your teeth, make sure you do not overlook your gum line! People who rush through their preventive dental care routine, or those who are not consistent about their habits, can unknowingly allow plaque to form at the base of teeth, which can eventually lead to the presence of tartar deposits. While plaque and tartar increase your risk for tooth decay, the buildup of bacteria at the base of teeth will also make you vulnerable to gingivitis. If gingivitis is not addressed in time, you can experience complications that lead to long-term consequences for your smile and dental health. When patients show signs of poor periodontal health during their dental exams with their Celina, TX dentist’s office, we are able to recommend a special periodontal cleaning to fight an infection. (more…)

Can Stress Interfere With Your Oral Health Efforts?

When you experience episodes of stress in your life, it may become difficult for you to make sure that your teeth are receiving effective care. Of course, this is just one of many areas in your life that stress can affect. You may have a harder time with your general health, you can struggle with proper sleep, and you can have issues with your mood because of periods of stress. With that said, it is important to recognize the different aspects of your life that might be affected during times of difficulty and unease. Our Celina, TX dentist’s office encourages patients to keep up with good oral hygiene on a daily basis in order to prevent problems like tooth decay and gum disease. When you deal with stress effectively and prevent it from interfering with your life, you can have an easier time avoiding these issues as well as problems with bruxism. (more…)