When you learn that there’s a cosmetic dentistry treatment that can address your smile concerns, that it’s very budget-friendly, and that it will work in a jiffy, you might feel like you’ve been introduced to some brand of fantastic magic. While the benefits of dental contouring can certainly lead one to such conclusions, the truth is that it’s simply a common and effective treatment that can help you take care of esthetic concerns. Now, if you don’t know a thing about contouring but your smile could certainly use some gentle reshaping, we suggest you learn just a bit more about how those seemingly magical qualities might work for you!
I Want Whiter Teeth! Now What?
Are you absolutely ready to do something about your discoloration but your plans come to a screeching halt when you realize you don’t know where to begin? First things first, we strongly suggest against trying out products from the drugstore and instead, coming in to receive professional cosmetic care. It’s the safest and most surefire way to ensure you end up with a much brighter, whiter grin according to your particular needs. So, without further ado, take in some helpful advice!
World No Tobacco Day: 3 Things To Remember
As World No Tobacco Day approaches (it’s on May 31 for 2017), you may have some mixed feelings if you use tobacco. We would like to reassure you that whether you smoke, use other types of tobacco, or have never even considered it, we welcome all of our patients with equal enthusiasm and desire to serve you and your oral health! As you may imagine, however, we want to do all that we can to protect your smile, which means encouraging you to avoid possible hazards (like tobacco). We invite you to keep a few things in the back of your mind as the 31st approaches, particularly if you’re thinking about giving up your habit.
Dental Bonding: 3 Details You Want To Know
When you discover the benefits of dental bonding, you will immediately realize that they are numerous! Bonding can help you deal with problems like staining, chips, cracks, gaps, and more. However, after you learn about the benefits, you may feel that there’s something of a gaping hole in your newfound education: What about how long the treatment lasts, what it feels like, and more? No problem. We are happy to fill in the missing details.
Tips: Bringing Us Your Questions!
Do you have questions about dental care? About something going on with your smile? Perhaps you show up without any inquiries but throughout your visit, you start wondering about the technology we’re using, about diagnoses, and about tons of other little things that transpire. Do you feel comfortable asking along the way or are you under the impression that you’ll be interrupting? First, remember that you are always welcome to voice your thoughts or concerns! As for additional details regarding how to address your curiosity, we offer very helpful tips.
Advanced Dental Technology And Your Oral Health
Are you a dental daily care ninja? You know to brush properly, floss carefully and drink plenty of water. You limit sugary snacks and beverages. You’ve curbed your ice-crunching habit. These daily home habits are essential for strong teeth and a healthy mouth. Even the best home care routine benefits from access to advanced dental technology during preventive care visits with your dental professional. We keep up with the latest in science and innovation, to care for all aspects of your oral health and your smile. (more…)
Stop Using Your Teeth As A Tool
You have probably heard it a million times: Stop using your teeth as a tool! While you understand that we’re telling you to stop using your smile for anything other than its natural purpose (speaking, chewing, etc.), you might have a hard time connected the dots and applying this to realistic situations. We are happy to share some specifics with you to help ensure you’re protecting your oral health, instead of overlooking common habits that can lead to damage.
2 Reasons You’re Experiencing Acid Erosion
Discovering that you are suffering from acid erosion when you’re someone who generally brushes, flosses, and comes in for your visits on time might be very surprising. It’s also somewhat defeating when you put a lot of energy into keeping your oral health safe only to learn that your efforts are not completely working. Before you allow yourself to give up on the care you’ve been providing your smile, let us offer some relief. First, remember that we can help treat your damage. Second, consider the probable reasons this is happening (they’re very easy to address).
Implants: When Your Jawbone Isn’t Ready
You might come in to see us for a dental implant consultation, feeling extremely excited about your future smile. During your visit, we may tell you that your jawbone isn’t quite ready for implants. Your first reaction may be that you feel defeated and assume you’re just not going to qualify. However, before you let these thoughts sink in, we encourage you to wait for the information that follows. We can improve your jaw health with bone grafting in many cases. Don’t know anything about this but feel relieved that it may help your candidacy? Find out more.
Q&A: Gum Contouring
You know all about dental contouring, of course, which allows us to remove bits of tissue from your teeth for a more appealing finish. However, how much do you know about gum contouring? If this is a new treatment to you (and you’ve been wondering if there’s a way to sculpt your gum tissue) then it’s high time to learn more about the specifics. We can help get you headed in the right direction to improve the look of your smile with a Q&A session.
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