Celina Dentist Explains What Stress Can Do To Your Teeth

Stress can sneak up on you. You may find yourself staying up late at night with your mind racing, compiling to do lists you think will never end, and becoming more irritable with your family or co-workers. You may already know that stress can contribute to your weight, damage your immune system, and harm personal relationships. However, did you know that stress can also have negative effects on your teeth? Our Celina family dentist, Dr. Newton, will explain what stress has to do with your smile and how you can prevent dental health issues.

Teeth Grinding and Stress

Next time you are driving in traffic, do this self-test: feel your jaw muscles. Are you clenching your jaw? Are your teeth grinding together? If so, you may have a bigger problem than running late. Bruxism, or chronic teeth grinding, can have a huge impact on your oral health. One of the main contributors to this dental health issue is stress. Stress can cause you to clench your jaw muscles during times when you are focused on an activity like driving or typing. The constant clenching and grinding pressure erodes your tooth enamel and damages the integrity of your tooth structure. Bruxism can lead to increased cavities, tooth sensitivity, and a wide variety of dental and overall health problems.

Ulcers and Stress

Although the exact cause of canker sores is undetermined, stress is considered to increase your risk of ulcers. Since stress can weaken your immune system, your mouth is more vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, and other sources of mouth sores. These small white and red sores should heal in about one week. If you notice a prolonged ulcer or canker sore, contact your Celina family dentist immediately. Ulcers that do not heal in ten days may be a sign of oral cancer. (more…)

Bridging the Gap: Celina Dentist Replaces Missing Teeth

When you have a missing tooth, you may notice a difference in your usual habits. Chewing and speaking will not feel the same with a void between your teeth. In addition, if you are missing one of your anterior teeth, or front teeth, you may also find yourself hiding your smile. However, one of the most frustrating consequences of tooth loss may not be readily apparent. Our Celina family dentist will explain some of the dangers of untreated tooth loss and how restorative dentistry can bridge the gap.

The Consequences of Tooth Loss

Unfortunately, tooth loss will not only affect your smile image and your tooth function. Ignoring a missing tooth can lead to much more serious consequences. Since each of our teeth serve a specific purpose, once one tooth is missing, the surrounding teeth will attempt to make up for the loss. Some teeth drift out of place, and other incur chewing pressure not meant for their size or shape. The result is excessive tooth wear, which could lead to tooth decay or even further tooth loss. In fact, five years after losing a tooth, your chances of losing another tooth increase by 20 percent.

What a Dental Bridge Can Do for You

So how can you avoid these devastating consequences? Our Celina dentist, Dr. Newton, offers restorative dentistry options to replace your missing teeth. The dental bridge replaces one or more missing teeth in an arch using artificial teeth attached to porcelain crowns. The dental crowns bond to existing teeth surrounding the void, while the artificial teeth hover over your gum line, almost undetectably. The tooth replacement will prevent teeth drifting and excessive tooth wear. Dental bridges can restore your ability to chew and speak with ease while avoiding the costly consequences of untreated tooth loss. (more…)

Celina and Prosper Family Dentist Celebrates Chocolate!

If you’ve ever doubted the magnificence of chocolate, you should know that the cocoa tree from which it comes is scientifically known as Theobroma Cacao, meaning “food of the gods” in Greek. Despite the many years of belief that chocolate tastes too good to be healthy, studies show that the sweet treat can actually help fight illnesses like heart disease.  As an added bonus, research also shows that the husk of the cocoa bean contains cavity-fighting properties. To celebrate, Dr. Newton and the staff at Celina Family Dentistry bring you these fun chocolate facts. Enjoy!

Did You Know?

  • The word chocolate is derived from the Aztec word xocolātl, meaning “bitter water.”
  • The earliest known use of the cocoa bean was as currency among the Aztecs. For instance, a turkey could cost about 100 cocoa beans.
  • Europe was graced with chocolate’s presence in the 16th century, after the Spanish conquered the Aztec people. (more…)

Back to School with a Healthy Smile in Celina and Prosper

As the new school year draws near, now is the perfect time to ensure that your child’s oral health is at its best. Studies show that poor oral health in children can relate directly to poor academic performance and attendance. To help you prepare and optimize your child’s oral health, Celina and Prosper dentist Dr. Newton presents the children’s oral health checklist.

Children’s Oral Health Checklist

  • Tooth brushing and flossing—Morning time during the school year can be hectic. As you rush to get yourself ready for work and your child ready for school, you could probably use a little help to move things along. Instill in your child the habit of brushing their teeth at least twice a day, especially in the mornings before school. Be sure to show them the proper method of softly brushing every surface of every tooth. Discourage them from scrubbing harshly, which can quickly wear away tooth enamel. Flossing can usually be saved for the time right before bed, but you should teach your child to this alone, but properly, as well. (more…)

Prosper Dentist Explores Energy Drinks and Oral Health

Over recent years, the popularity of sports and energy drinks has skyrocketed. About half of the teens  and young adults in America drink energy drinks, and more than half consume at least one sports drink in a day. With boasts of increased performance, endurance, and energy levels, one can understand why these drinks are so popular. According to recent studies, however, these beverages can also add increased risk of tooth decay to the list of advertised effects. Celina and Prosper dentist Dr. Newton explores how these much-celebrated energy boosters and thirst quenchers affect your oral health.

A Tooth-Destroying Trend

A popular misconception about sports and energy drinks is that they are a much healthier choice for your teeth than soda. To test this theory, researchers studied the acidity of a variety of popular beverages. During the study, scientists immersed samples of tooth enamel in each beverage for 15 minutes, placed the samples in artificial saliva for two hours, and repeated the cycle four times a day for five days. The exposure cycles mimicked the amount of exposure a typical sports and energy drink consumer subjects their teeth to. After only five days, the damage was already evident, with energy drinks proving doubly harmful to teeth than the more balanced sports drinks. (more…)

Oral Bacteria’s Strength in Numbers

We warn our children to beware of the company they keep to help prevent them from falling in with the wrong crowd. After all, the wrong influence at the right time can steer anybody into a harmful path. In a study published in the journal Microbiology, researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered that group mentality may be expressed even at the molecular level. Prosper dentist Dr. Newton explores the destructive companionships that Treponema denticola forges with other oral bacteria.

Ganging Up on Your Oral Health

In the course of studying the connection between your oral health and overall health, experts have uncovered incredible interactions between oral bacteria and your body’s tissue. For instance, the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis has been shown to excite your body’s inflammatory response to infection, resulting in the red, swollen, and bleeding gums associated with gum disease. T. denticola, however, takes a different approach to attack. (more…)

Prosper Dentist Explains Common Causes of Dry Mouth

If you’ve ever been thirsty, then you can relate to what a person with dry mouth feels like. Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is a condition that occurs when your salivary glands produce inadequate amounts of saliva to lubricate and moisten your oral tissue. There are as many treatments for xerostomia as there are causes, so treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis. To help you understand the condition of dry mouth a little better, Dr. Newton lists some of its most common causes.

Common Xerostomia Causes

  • Dehydration—Because dry mouth is essentially a lack of moisture, the most obvious cause of dry mouth symptoms should be dehydration. Conditions that cause dehydration, such as fever, diarrhea, excessive sweating, vomiting, and blood loss, can all be causes of dry mouth, as well.
  •  Symptom of disease/infection—A chronic dry mouth can also indicate that your body is battling a disease, or may be a direct result of the disease or infection. Some health issues that are linked to xerostomia include Sjogren’s syndrome, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, anemia, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, and Parkinson’s disease, among many others.
  • Side effect of medications—Sometimes, the medication that is prescribed to fight an infection or disease can also list xerostomia as a side effect. If you are currently on medication, be sure to inform Dr. Newton to help her better determine the cause of your xerostomia. Dry-mouth inducing medications include those prescribed for depression, anxiety, pain, allergies, colds, obesity, acne, epilepsy, hypertension, diarrhea, nausea, and asthma. Dry mouth can also result if you take muscle relaxants and sedatives.
  • Lifestyle—Perhaps you can help treat your dry mouth condition simply by changing a few lifestyle choices. For instance, smoking or chewing tobacco can inhibit saliva production and facilitate dry mouth. So can constantly breathing with your mouth open. (more…)

Prosper Dentist Discusses Fish Oil for Gum Disease Treatment

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, affects more than half of the adults in the United States of America. It is the leading cause of adult tooth loss, and has been associated with an increased risk for potentially-fatal systemic disorders, including stroke, heart disease, and diabetes. Although gum disease is treatable, it is hard to detect and nearly impossible to treat without professional dental care. In Australia, researchers are exploring the possibility that fish oil may prove beneficial as an adjunct therapy option for gum disease. Prosper dentist Dr. Newton discusses this hypothesis.

A Safe and Natural Treatment Option

Fish oil has long been recommended by physicians for health benefits beyond teeth and gums. Aside from boosting heart health, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are also beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis, depression, and more. A major benefit of fish oil is that there is no danger in consuming large amounts of it. Extremely high levels of fish oil may lead to delayed clotting times and potential gastric upset. If you are currently on medication therapy, especially blood-thinning medications, then you should consult with your physician. (more…)

Cavity Prevention from Your Celina Children’s Dentist

Did you know that for the first time in over 40 years, incidence of childhood tooth decay has increased? The U.S Center for Disease Control recently published a report on the rise in tooth decay and attributes this trend to lack of oral healthcare, poor dietary choices, and inadequate oral hygiene. Severe tooth decay may produce discomfort and pain in children. Additionally, cavities can also impact a child’s ability to speak and eat. To help reduce the rate of childhood tooth decay, Dr. Newton and our team at Celina Family Dentistry offers preventive dental services that help reduce your child’s risk for developing cavities.

Dental Sealants in Celina

Cavities commonly form along children’s molars because they have deep pits where food and bacteria collect. Additionally, children also have trouble keeping their molars clean because they are located at the back of the mouth. After a thorough dental cleaning and checkup, Dr. Newton may apply a dental sealant to your child’s molars that will seal the pits and grooves with a liquid plastic resin that is hardened by a special curing light. (more…)

Celina Dentist Explains Different Kinds of Tooth Stains

Blemishes on your teeth can greatly diminish the radiance of your smile. The most common tooth blemishes are stains, which have made teeth whitening a burgeoning industry. At Celina Family Dentistry, we offer a number of solutions for your teeth whitening needs, but your best treatment option depends on the type and severity of the tooth stains you wish to correct. Some stains soak into the outer surface of a tooth (extrinsic), while others originate from within the tooth structure (intrinsic) and are more difficult to correct. To help you determine the best treatment option, Dr. Newton offers an explanation on the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic stains.

Intrinsic Tooth Stains

Tooth development begins in an infant during the second trimester of pregnancy and lasts until about the age of 18. During this time, children may intake too much fluoride (i.e. through fluoridated tap water, fluoride toothpastes, etc.) which can lead to mottled enamel with chalky white, and sometimes brown, stains. Bleaching can lessen the contrast between mottled and healthy enamel, but if surface defects, or “pits,” are present, you may need porcelain veneers or dental bonding to whiten your smile. Certain medications can cause intrinsic tooth staining, as well. The most notorious culprits are tetracycline and its derivative, monocycline. If taken during tooth formation, these antibiotics can cause bluish-gray stains on the portion of tooth that is forming at the time. Other causes for intrinsic tooth stains include heredity, aging, porcelain over metal crowns, and amalgam dental fillings, which can give your tooth a grayish appearance even if the metal filling is not visible. (more…)