Fluoride and Dental Sealants Make for Healthy Smiles in Children

Group of KidsOur modern times seem to offer plenty of bad news regarding the health of the youngest members of society. For the first time in over 40 years, childhood tooth decay rates have increased, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Their report attributed this unfortunate rise in children’s cavities to unwise dietary choices and poor dental self-care. Severe tooth decay is one of the main causes of toothaches in children, and studies show that many kids miss too many days of school because of intense tooth pain resulting from untreated cavities. Tooth decay can even hinder a child’s development in speaking and eating. Celina children’s dentistDr. Newton, and our team at Celina Family Dentistry are proud to offer comprehensive dentistry services to young patients. The quality of their future partially relies on excellent preventive dental care.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride has been a part of preventive dentistry for about 60 years, though the compound of fluorine has been floating around invisibly in our atmosphere much longer than that. Scientifically proven to strengthen tooth enamel by keeping your outer teeth mineralized, fluoride also creates a slippery surface on your smile. Bacteria have a much harder time clinging to teeth and doing damage when they can’t hold on. Washed out of your mouth with your saliva, fluoride treatments are sometimes the difference between good and bad news at dental checkups. (more…)

Bleeding Gums are an Important Warning Sign

Brush Teeth CloseHealthy gum tissue is designed to fit snugly around your tooth roots to hold your smile firmly in place. However, if periodontal disease strikes, gingival tissues become infested with germs. Inflammation and recession allow gums to pull away from the teeth.  One of the earliest signs of gum disease is bleeding. Celina dentist, Dr. Newton explains that if you’re seeing any blood when you brush or floss, you might want to make an appointment with your dentist to see if you have any of the stages of gum disease.


The mildest form of periodontal disease is called gingivitis. No stage of gum disease is entirely curable, but gingivitis is the most treatable. How does gingivitis start? When plaque builds up on your teeth, it hardens into tartar within about 48 hours. This is why brushing and flossing is such an essential habit. Between good dental self-care and biannual dental cleanings, gingivitis is maintainable. Scientific research is underway all the time to find a cure for periodontal infections because when the bacteria is not controlled, severe gum disease causes much greater problems than bleeding gums. (more…)

Toothbrush Questions Answered by Dentist

Girl Biting ToothbrushYou know that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. You are probably curious about all of the varieties of toothbrushes on the market. Instruments we use to clean our teeth have evolved over the years. Some designs have failed. The more years that pass, the more that the dental industry learns about choosing the best oral hygiene tools, as well as keeping them in good working order. As your toothbrush ages, it will need to be replaced. But how do you know exactly when? Celina dentist, Dr. Newton can answer some of your toothbrush questions.

Toothbrush FAQs

Q1. When should I replace my toothbrush?

A1. The American Dental Association says you should replace your toothbrush every three to four months. However, this is just a recommendation. If you see unusual wear and tear on the bristles of your brush, don’t hesitate to buy a new one. Once the bristles are worn, not only will they not clean your teeth as well, but they could even damage your tooth enamel. After a bad cold or flu, you should consider replacing your toothbrush (or electric toothbrush head) just to be on the safe side. Evidence that flu germs cannot survive on a toothbrush has been uncovered, but toothbrush bristles do harbor other sorts of germs which you may not have the immunity to fight off after a bad illness.

Q2. Where is the best place to store my toothbrush? (more…)

Crossing the Gender Lines of Dental Health

Smiling White Teeth CoupleYou may have heard various gender statistics in your life (and possibly wondered if they were actual facts, or more like stereotypes). Women live longer than men. Men are stronger than women. Women tolerate pain better than men. Men have higher metabolisms than women. Women are more emotional. Men make more money. There are certainly people you can point to that live up to these ideas, and others who can prove just the opposite. When it comes to dental health, however, women tend to pay more attention to their teeth than their male counterparts. Celina dentist, Dr. Newton and her dental team provide the same care to all patients regardless of gender.

Importance of Smiling Freely

According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) the smile on a woman’s face will make them look more attractive and achieve easier success. Regardless of the multi-million dollar cosmetics industry, 70% of men feel that a woman appears more gorgeous as a result of a nice smile than a nice makeup job. Smiling releases endorphins. If you believe in “vibes” a smile is likely to give off positive feelings to those around you. Smiles also lift up facial muscles which naturally provides a younger, kinder, and healthier appearance.

Common Cosmetic Dental Solutions

If you are unhappy with your smile and feel like your physical genetics are stopping you from living the fulfilled life of your dreams, there are cosmetic opportunities for you. The American Academy of Periodontology points out that Americans are seven times more likely to have cosmetic dental procedures than face lifts. Part of the reason for this may be that cosmetic dental pursuits are often far less invasive than facial cosmetic surgery. Teeth whitening removes years of stains in one simple appointment. Porcelain veneers cover over a multitude of flaws and are completed with minimally invasive preparation in about two appointments.

Visit your Celina Dentist

Dr. Newton can help both men and women maintain healthy, beautiful smiles for life. Contact our Celina dentist office at (214) 851-0130 to schedule an appointment. We welcome patients from Celina, Prosper, Gunter, Frisco, McKinney, Aubrey, Pilot Point, Anna, and surrounding areas.

Could Fish Oil Hold the Key to Treating Gum Disease?

Fish OilGum disease afflicts approximately 50% of American adults. No wonder severe gum disease (periodontitis) is the leading cause of adult tooth loss. The medical field has become increasingly interested in oral systemic health. The idea that poor dental health might heighten your risk for heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease has perked up the attention of doctors and dentists alike. Gum disease is treatable, but as of now the infection is incurable. Now that we’re starting to connect how detrimental periodontal infections can be to your health, are the efforts for finding a cure on the rise? In Australia, for example, scientists have uncovered fish oil as a prospective periodontal therapy. Celina, TX dentist, Dr. Newton would be happy to provide a cure for gum disease to her patients, and all the better if the compound was as simple as this. (more…)

Learn More about your Salivary Glands

DroughtWhen droughts occur in the environment we panic, and rightly so. Droughts inside our mouths are a different problem, but also worthy of concern. Saliva is an essential part of dental health. Salivary glands are one of those parts of our body that are easy to ignore, but their optimal function can play a huge role in how we feel in our day–to-day lives. Picture an honest-to-goodness drought inside your oral cavity right now. Imagine swallowing and having nothing but dryness. Celina, TX dentist, Dr. Newton, would like to tell you more about the importance of your salivary glands, and the liquid they produce. (more…)

Don’t Forget to Add Dental Checkups to your Calendar

Six Month Smiles GirlCelina, TX dentist, Dr. Newton, loves her patients. Sometimes, it would be nice to see them even more often. However, in the world of preventive dental care, every six months is usually a sufficient goal for dental checkups. If you have specific needs that require more frequent cleanings or checks, Dr. Newton may recommend that you visit more often. For most patients, twice-a-year is perfect, providing that you are brushing twice-daily and flossing at least once a day as well. When it is time for your biannual dental appointment, we’ll make sure you receive the best examination possible.

Advanced X-ray Technology

You already know that your dental checkup will include a thorough cleaning to remove plaque and tartar buildup. There’s (more…)

Frequently Asked Questions about Porcelain Veneers Answered

Happy Couple in WhiteeThere are so many reasons why your teeth can take on a look that you don’t care for. A smile can become stained, dull, and yellow due to aging, tobacco use, or excessive consumption of dark colored foods and beverages. A smile can be chipped, fractured, cracked, or broken from tooth decay, injury, or misuse. Your Celina dentist, Dr. Newton, can offer multiple options for fixing your teeth and covering up dental flaws, but few are as versatile and complete as porcelain veneers. If you have questions about dental veneers, Dr. Newton has answers.

Porcelain Veneer FAQs

Q1. What are the advantages of porcelain veneers? (more…)

Denture Dilemmas Discussed in Celina, TX

Smiling Older CoupleIf you already wear dentures, you probably had to take some time to adjust to the feeling. Perhaps they still aren’t the most comfortable part of your body. In fact, dentures can even become uncomfortable after you’ve worn them for years. As you age, the structure of your jawbone will change, and unfortunately sometimes lose substantial density. Dentures can start to slip around and require adjustments. Celina dentist, Dr. Newton, can enlighten you on the causes and solutions of some of the most common difficulties experienced by denture wearers.

Irritation from Dentures

One of the most common complaints of people who wear dentures is simply a lack of comfort. If your dentures make your mouth feel sore, poked, or raw, you most likely have an improper fit. Modern traditional dentures rely on suction to stay in place. This is great because you shouldn’t have to rely on messy, sticky adhesives. Unfortunately, when dentures don’t fit securely, suction will not be enough to keep them from slipping. As the acrylic and porcelain slide around and press against your delicate mouth tissues, you are likely to feel quite irritated. (more…)

Oral Cancer FAQs Answered by Celina Dentist

MulticulturalOral cancer has an incredible 50 to 80 percent survival rate, provided you catch the disease early. This is unlikely to happen if you don’t keep up with regular medical and dental checkups. Any malignancy, when discovered at an early stage, will be that much easier to fight. Celina dentist, Dr. Newton, makes sure to do a thorough oral cancer screening when patients come in for six month checkups. To make sure you understand more, here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about oral/pharyngeal cancer. (more…)