Concerned Over A Cavity? Our Practice Is Ready To Help!

How alarmed should you be if you have a cavity that has to be treated? If you are worried about restorative dental work, you can be happy to hear that our Celina, TX dentist’s office is prepared to put a stop to decay, and to restore your tooth so that its appearance is not changed. With that said, you should be worried about any cavity on a tooth that goes without treatment. When tooth decay is not addressed, decay can continue to spread and destroy once-healthy dental material. The problem can eventually grow to the point of attacking your pulp and infected living tissues within the tooth.   (more…)

How Easy Can It Be To Make Time For Teeth Whitening?

A professional teeth whitening treatment can deliver remarkable improvements to the way you look when you smile. When a procedure is this effective, it must take a considerable amount of time and effort…right? At our Celina, TX dental practice, we can make your experience with teeth whitening incredibly convenient. You actually have two different options to choose from if you want to make your smile brighter. While some people prefer to come in for a one-visit whitening treatment at our practice, others are happier taking home a custom whitening kit they can use at their convenience. Both of these options are capable of delivering exciting results, so you can impress the people in your life with a dazzling smile! (more…)

Unhappy With A Chipped Tooth? We Can Restore Its Appearance

Even though our teeth are remarkably strong, damages can occur. With even a minor chip to a tooth, you may find that your smile symmetry is interrupted, and that your appearance is altered in a truly frustrating way. If you are unhappy because a chipped tooth has created problems for your smile, cosmetic dentistry can help! Our Celina, TX dental practice offers several approaches to treatment that can restore your tooth’s shape and appearance, and with less time or work than you might expect! We should note that when you suffer an injury, even one that seems minor, you should look into the matter to make sure the damage does not worsen. (more…)

Putting A Stop To Pain And Dental Damage Caused By Bruxism

People who tend to grind their teeth at night can look forward to less than ideal mornings, as they can wake up with facial and jaw pain, as well as sore and sensitive teeth. This problem, known as bruxism, can do more than just make the start of your day less pleasant – over time, grinding and clenching your teeth can do serious damage to them. The effect can change your smile for the worse by wearing down teeth, and you can potentially suffer chips and cracks to your enamel. Our Celina, TX dental practice is prepared to help patients who struggle with this problem. A custom oral appliance can keep your teeth protected while you rest, so you are free from painful mornings, and no longer at risk for dental damage. (more…)

Things That Make Your Prevention Extra Challenging

Preventive dental care is supposed to be something that’s extremely easy to practice on a daily basis, on a twice-annual basis (you see us, of course!), and that will yield exceptional results. However, that doesn’t mean that our Celina, TX patients don’t occasionally let us know they’re feeling very challenged by prevention. What might be going on in your own home care that’s making you find the brushing, flossing, and general approach to cleanings and checkups to be less than effective, satisfying, and easy? Fortunately, we have insider knowledge as dental professionals that can help you better understand why this is a struggle and how to fix it (so care becomes streamlined and simple again!).


The Autumn Season: Important Implications For Your Grin!

You could likely come up with a list a mile long, when we ask you about what you’re visualizing when we mention the autumn season. Chances are good there’s lots of food on that list, warm colors like rust and cranberry, the thought of feeling warm and cuddly, a handful of pumpkins, a smattering of pinecones, etc. It’s an exquisite time of year for the senses! Did you know that one item not on your list that’s also quite lovely? Your oral health care! Yep. Along with everything else that this part of the year brings, there are some seasonal implications our Celina, TX team is happy to make much clearer for you, so you don’t miss them!


Things That Happen When You Ignore Gingivitis

Like anything else that you don’t necessarily want to deal with and would much prefer if it would just go away, gingivitis is something you can choose to (but shouldn’t) ignore! Unfortunately, if you decide to overlook obvious symptoms, brush off our diagnosis of this first stage of gum disease, etc., then you may be looking at some serious (and avoidable) consequences! What might they include, you ask? Our Celina, TX team brings some common issues to the forefront and reminds you: All it takes to get gum health back on track is scheduling care!


Dental Crowns: Those Little Questions You’ve Still Got

When the topic of requiring a dental crown comes up, you probably immediately recognize that this means your oral health isn’t at its best, your tooth is damaged in some way, and you require our Celina, TX team’s professional care to make things better. However, in terms of the more complex details regarding the crown’s material, why you need a crown and not something else, and more, we have a feeling you might be full of such questions. This, of course, is a normal response, to which we are more than happy to respond with explanations that will help you feel good about repairing your smile.


A Very Streamlined, Easy Method For Cavity Prevention 

What you want, when you’re curious about how to avoid the development of a cavity, is an easy-to-follow list of steps. In some cases, you may not even really care that much about the details or the explanations behind why these steps work (though education and knowledge are always beneficial and motivating). Instead, you want to know that as you move through your daily life, you’re on track and you’re not guessing and simply hoping for tooth decay to stay away. Not a problem! Our Celina, TX practice has whipped up a very easy method for making this a reality!


Bruxism: What It’s Doing And How To Stop It

If you have never actually heard of bruxism disorder before but you are aware that you are dealing with a grinding or clenching issue, then now is the time to take action. Or, if we have mentioned to you that bruxism treatment is essential for your smile, again … take action! Why is our Celina, TX team so concerned about this functional issue, you wonder? Well, the problem is that it often seems like a minor concern but it can actually yield some pretty serious damage when it is left unaddressed. Find out more about what it’s doing to your smile and how to make it stop!
