It’s difficult enough to commit to your regular biannual dental checkups. When you have a plethora of dental issues, the prospect of fixing your smile can feel completely overwhelming. For cosmetic and restorative dental needs, you may not even know where to begin. That’s where Celina dentist, Dr. Newton steps in, providing you with a consultation for full mouth reconstruction. Similar to something known as a smile makeover, reconstruction focuses on making sure that your mouth provides a healthy foundation for cosmetic procedures.
Heal and Restore your Smile
Cosmetic dental procedures provide you with the look that you desire. However, without a healthy scaffolding to build upon, your cosmetic dental work will end up being a waste. If you want your cosmetic work to last, you will need to start with a thorough exam and consultation with Dr. Newton to ascertain the degree of work necessary. Fillings, crowns, inlays, onlays, or root canal procedures might be in order to deal with cavities or deep decay. If you received amalgam fillings when you were younger, you may wish to have them (more…)
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