Botox Treatment Can Help You Address Painful Teeth Grinding

People who grind their teeth throughout the night can struggle with pain during the day, particularly when they first wake up. The tension that you are unconsciously placing on your jaw joints and muscles can lead to problems with TMJ disorder, and it may result in undesirable physical changes to your teeth. Our Celina, TX dentist’s office can work with you to determine if this problem, known as bruxism, might be affecting you. We are able to help treat the matter with a special oral appliance that stops you from grinding your teeth and doing further harm. To help with ongoing discomfort, we can also recommend Botox treatment to relax your jaw joints and muscles. (more…)

Change Your Smile Through Bonding And Contouring Work

How do you currently feel about your smile? If you have problems with the color and condition of teeth that have left you feeling self-conscious, a cosmetic bonding and contouring procedure can help. You can meet with your Celina, TX dentist to discuss the benefits of bonding and contouring work to target the specific concerns you have about your appearance. The procedure can deliver results that excite you, and it can offer those results in less time than you might anticipate. For many people, bonding and contouring work can be completed in as little as one appointment! (more…)

Restoring An Unhealthy And Unattractive Tooth With A Crown

A dental crown’s presence can be important in situations where tooth decay or physical trauma have seriously affected a tooth’s condition. In order to save the tooth, a custom restoration can be designed and placed over the tooth, sealing it to keep it safe from infection. In addition to making sure a vulnerable tooth is guarded against new health issues, the dental crown can also help you bite and chew comfortably. At our Celina, TX dentist’s office, patients who need restorative dental work can be happy to know that in addition to providing protection and functional support, a modern crown can actually have benefits for your smile. (more…)

How Much Can Veneers Really Do To Improve How I Look?

How much time and effort will cosmetic dentistry involve if you want to make a meaningful change to the way you look? If you have more than one problem with your smile, or if several of your teeth are in poor condition, you may find yourself scared to even start the process of improving the way you look. What you should know is that our Celina, TX dentist’s office can make big changes to your appearance with porcelain veneers. Veneers are slim restorations that require minimal preparatory work for your teeth. Because they can take care of multiple cosmetic issues, it is possible for your dentist to address several concerns in the course of this one treatment! (more…)

We Are Ready To Help Your Kids Grow Up With Healthy Smiles!

At our Celina, TX dentist’s office, we recognize that some of our patients have a better understanding of oral health care than others. In particular, our youngest patients can require guidance on why they need to be brushing and flossing, and generally keeping their teeth safe from cavities. Because our practice provides care to patients of all ages, we can welcome you and your children for important preventive dental services. When it comes to caring for kids, we can keep them safe with cleanings and evaluations, as well as updates about the development of their oral structures. (more…)

How Tooth-Colored Fillings Blend In With Your Enamel

The news that you have a cavity can certainly be upsetting, but you can be especially unhappy to hear that your cavity is on one of your more prominent teeth. After your restorative dental work is done, what will your smile look like? How hard will it be for you to keep the evidence of your past dental work hidden when you speak and smile? Because our Celina, TX dentist’s office provides tooth-colored dental fillings, you can look forward to treatment without worrying over your appearance. The composite resin material we rely on for our dental fillings can match the color and texture of your enamel in order to avoid detection. As a result, you can remain confident in your appearance after a procedure is done! (more…)

Have You Scheduled Your Dental Exams For 2020?

The new year is here, and that makes this a great time to start thinking about how we can all make improvements to our lives. By setting up your routine preventive dental exams for 2020, you can take a simple but important step towards making sure your smile stays attractive and healthy. Our Celina, TX dentist’s office is ready to help you take on different issues like tooth decay and gum disease that might develop, but we are also here to provide support through evaluations and cleanings to make sure you stay free of troubles in 2020 and beyond!

Concerned Over A Cavity? Our Practice Is Ready To Help!

How alarmed should you be if you have a cavity that has to be treated? If you are worried about restorative dental work, you can be happy to hear that our Celina, TX dentist’s office is prepared to put a stop to decay, and to restore your tooth so that its appearance is not changed. With that said, you should be worried about any cavity on a tooth that goes without treatment. When tooth decay is not addressed, decay can continue to spread and destroy once-healthy dental material. The problem can eventually grow to the point of attacking your pulp and infected living tissues within the tooth.   (more…)

How Easy Can It Be To Make Time For Teeth Whitening?

A professional teeth whitening treatment can deliver remarkable improvements to the way you look when you smile. When a procedure is this effective, it must take a considerable amount of time and effort…right? At our Celina, TX dental practice, we can make your experience with teeth whitening incredibly convenient. You actually have two different options to choose from if you want to make your smile brighter. While some people prefer to come in for a one-visit whitening treatment at our practice, others are happier taking home a custom whitening kit they can use at their convenience. Both of these options are capable of delivering exciting results, so you can impress the people in your life with a dazzling smile! (more…)

Unhappy With A Chipped Tooth? We Can Restore Its Appearance

Even though our teeth are remarkably strong, damages can occur. With even a minor chip to a tooth, you may find that your smile symmetry is interrupted, and that your appearance is altered in a truly frustrating way. If you are unhappy because a chipped tooth has created problems for your smile, cosmetic dentistry can help! Our Celina, TX dental practice offers several approaches to treatment that can restore your tooth’s shape and appearance, and with less time or work than you might expect! We should note that when you suffer an injury, even one that seems minor, you should look into the matter to make sure the damage does not worsen. (more…)