Say Goodbye To Dental Implant Obstacles, When You…

As you think about dental implants, you may discover that at every turn, you recognize an obstacle is in your way. Due to this experience, you may find that you start to retreat, naturally assuming that these issues are insurmountable and that maybe it’s time to accept that you will simply need to choose something else. However, that’s not quite right! Instead, when you are interested in implants but you find a stumbling block, our Celina, TX team is happy to report that there’s usually a way around it! Let’s talk more about the details and how you can overcome these concerns.


The Role Your Attitude Plays In Your Oral Health

Of course, there are many different attitudes you may have, even over the course of one day, toward your oral health. With that said, our Celina, TX team would like for you to take into consideration the fact that when you lean toward the positive end of the spectrum, choosing to feel optimistic, motivated, and invested in keeping your smile on track by remaining dedicated to suggested dental care, it generally helps promote optimal smile health! Why is that, you wonder, and how might a less positive approach negatively impact your ability to maintain healthy teeth and gums? Let’s explore some possibilities.


Whitening Professionally: 4 Questions About The Future

You know, of course, that if you’re going to whiten your smile, the only means through which we suggest you accomplish this task is with our professional teeth whitening treatment. With that said, you may feel perfectly comfortable and confident visiting our Celina, TX team for this exciting cosmetic solution! However, you may also discover that you’re having some trepidation about the future. What will it hold, should you decide to follow through with whitening? All good things or some bad? Take a moment as we help you see that making this choice is all good!


Why Doesn’t Your Child Have Sealants?

Our Celina, TX team is wondering something about your kiddo’s smile: Where are the dental sealants? If you are new to this children’s dental care treatment, then we strongly suggest you come in soon for your child’s next checkup to learn all about them! Or, if you’re already aware of them but have some questions, we certainly advise you to go ahead and bring them to our attention. Remember: Every question is a very good question that we will be happy to answer! Until then, let’s get started by making some guesses about why your child doesn’t have sealants yet and how we can help change that for the better!


Culprits You Didn’t Know Were Responsible For Discoloration

There are some very obvious culprits that spring to mind when you’re thinking about staining. What’s causing your discoloration, you wonder? Well, you figure it must be coffee or cocoa or marinara sauce, red wine, berries, cola, and the list continues. However, is that necessarily the case? What if you don’t actually consume any of these items? What if you think you’re being very careful, yet still, here you are with a yellowed grin and some serious hopes for teeth whitening? Of course, our Celina, TX team welcomes you to come in ASAP to discuss cosmetic care. As for what’s going on and where those stains are coming from, consider some new details of which you may be unaware!


When to Consider Teeth-Grinding a Problem

You might grind your teeth on occasion, but is it worth bringing up to your dentist during your next visit? Bruxism, or chronic teeth-grinding, is a more common problem than many people realize. However, it isn’t always obvious that there is a problem, especially since many people grind their teeth most often at night. At our Celina, TX, dental office, we can help you determine if your teeth-grinding habit should be considered a problem, and how a custom bruxism appliance can help you solve it, if it is. (more…)

Dental Emergencies: 3 Times To Shush Your Mind 

Dealing with the onset of a dental emergency, which you most likely didn’t see coming, can cause patients to respond in a wide variety of ways! If you’re the type of individual to immediately pick up the phone to call our Celina, TX team to let us know you need dental care, then good! This is exactly what we encourage and we are pleased you feel so comfortable contacting us! However, if you find that you reach for your phone but then suddenly hesitate because your mind starts to play some tricks on you, we encourage you to kindly tell it to shush, and then follow through on getting in touch with us. Consider some examples, so you see what we mean.


It’s Too Late For The Smile I Want!…Right?

You may feel as though you’ve just waited too long to come in for the smile care you want. This can range from feeling as though you’ve missed out on maintaining a healthy smile that you can use for life to feeling that your dreams of a beautiful smile have passed you by. Whatever it is you’re feeling when you announce to yourself and the world around you that you’ve missed the opportunity, our Celina, TX team reminds you to think again! There really isn’t a “too late” in the dental care world. It’s just a matter of finding a pathway that works for you. Learn more!


Is It Time For Improvement? Consider Categories And Solutions!

What you may not know is what you need to do for your smile. However, what you probably do know is that you want to improve it. So, what’s the missing link, you wonder, and what if you don’t really know exactly what’s wrong but you have a general idea? Fortunately, our Celina, TX team reminds you that when you bring your ideas, feelings, questions, uncertainty, and needs to us during a visit, we can consider the information, decipher the details, and then offer you all the help you need! If dental care is on your mind, let us know: We’re always glad to guide you!


Side Effects That Happen When You Avoid Cleanings

We don’t think that you have bad intentions when you’re choosing to stop coming in for dental cleanings. Instead, our Celina, TX team generally assumes that you don’t realize just how powerful this particular part of your preventive care can be and just why it’s so significant to practice consistently! To help you feel sure you’re on the path toward a grin that glows, thanks to stellar oral health, we’d like to remind you of those side effects that will almost certainly begin to take place, should you avoid cleanings over and over. Remember, getting back into good habits requires just a phone call and a visit!
