Don’t Chip Your Teeth! (But If You Do…)

Of course, what we would prefer is to help you avoid accidentally experiencing a chipped tooth. When you sidestep the possibility of a tooth chip, you keep your smile just as it is. There’s no need to come in, to consider treatments, or to decide what to do. You save a bit of money, too. However, if you end up chipping dental tissue, keep in mind that the inconvenience is minor and that we can fix the issue right up with gorgeous results. Let’s walk you through all you need to know to avoid (or repair) this little concern.


Do Versus Don’t: Your Whiter Smile Plans!

  • In our age of ever-increasing access to information, it’s important to remember that some of that info is spot-on and reliable but some of it is not. As a result, even as you begin to make plans for something like achieving a whiter smile, you may become torn and a bit unsure. Should you immediately visit us for teeth whitening? Or, is it a perfectly good idea to plan to try to brighten up your dental tissue on your own with things you read online or hear about from friends? In short: Always see us.


Dental Hygiene: What Aren’t You Doing?

Yes, when you think about your dental hygiene, you may assume that as long as you’re attempting to do some amount of oral health cleansing, you must be on track. However, you cannot trick your smile. When you perform the appropriate cleaning successfully, your smile stays healthy. When you don’t quite get it accomplished as you need to, your oral health will suffer. Not sure if you’re doing everything right, getting some things correct, or if you’ve got it all messed up the moment? We can help you!


2 Truths About Root Canal Treatment

If you need root canal treatment and you look it up or talk to people about it, you are likely to hear quite a medley of rumors! If you talk with us about it, however, you will find that you’re all filled up with good, factual information that will actually make you feel fantastic about treating your smile! So, before you get sucked into the less reliable sources of information out there, we encourage you to consider some truths straight from our team.


What To Do When Brushing Hurts

What To Do When Brushing HurtsIf you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: you should be brushing your teeth twice a day, and flossing once. What should you think (or do) when this everyday routine has a painful element attached to it? It is understandable that you might shorten brushing time, or be tempted to skip it all together. This is not a good idea for effective preventive dental hygiene. When brushing hurts, the first step is to figure out the cause and seek the advice of your dentist on how to remedy the problem. (more…)

Sleep Better In 2018!

Are you sleeping well? Have you been meaning to do something about what you’re assuming is a sleep apnea problem in 2017 but the stars have not quite aligned (meaning, you’re not falling asleep and staying asleep once the stars are out and you haven’t been in to talk this over with us in search of treatment)? No problem. We understand that it can be a confusing topic and may cause you to feel unsure about how to move ahead. Let’s talk about making this one of your resolutions for 2018!


Cosmetic Care Candidacy: Quick Quiz

So, you want cosmetic care to enhance your smile (or make some serious changes). However, as far as figuring out whether you can receive it or if for some reason, you won’t measure up as a candidate, you’re at a bit of a standstill. You’ll be pleased to learn that this is always worth investigating with us because generally speaking, you’ll be able to receive cosmetic treatments either now or in the future. Let our quiz show you the light!


Sleep Apnea: What You Need For Holiday Sleep!

The holidays are coming! Yes, you know. You’ve already been dealing with the soon-to-arrive holidays for what feels like a very long time and we’re down to crunch time! While it is, of course, something to feel excited about, there’s also some anxiety that comes with the territory. You need to plan. You may even need to pack. So, how to keep your head on straight, get everything on your to-do checklist accomplished, and prioritize your sleep apnea treatment? Easy!
