Flu Season Is Getting Started: Are You Ready?

We know that the last thing you want to spend your mental energy on is thinking about feeling lousy and run down! However, it’s much better to spend a moment considering the flu right now, rather than pretending it doesn’t exist and becoming ill later! With that said, give our Celina, TX team just a moment of your time, if you will, to ask yourself whether you’re really ready to begin combatting this unkindly aspect of an otherwise lovely season. When you put just a handful of actions into place, you’ll know that you’re in much better shape to stay healthy. You’ll also be ready to make sure your oral health care is on track (and isn’t accidentally related to getting you sick)!


When Implants Seem Like A Huge Deal: Let Us Help

The more hype that comes your way about dental implants, the more you may start to think of them as something somewhat overwhelming. Sure, their benefits seem fantastic. However, you may suddenly worry that the lengthier process is just going to be too much for you. You may have so many questions that you feel you’re out of time and should just choose something else. We understand how entering into something new, particularly when it’s for your smile’s future, can cause you to feel you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, so to speak. The truth of the matter is, there’s nothing to worry about if you decide implants are for you. How do we know, you wonder? Take our Celina, TX team’s word for it!


2 Simple Smile Care Decisions With Big Results

You might have some truly wonderful intentions for your smile care. Every year, your New Year’s resolution may be to get serious about protecting your smile health, making your smile look even better with professional treatments, and then you’ll be in good shape! However, you don’t follow through. You’re not very happy with your smile but you don’t know how to muster up any type of serious motivation. Guess what? Our Celina, TX team happens to be very good at this sort of thing! So, let’s see if we can help give you a new perspective and that jump start you need.


Keep A Morning Symptom Journal If You Suspect Sleep Apnea

You can track symptoms all day long, of course. However, it’s often easiest to write down what’s going on in the morning because you’ve got just enough time to do so before your busy day gets started! In addition, there are many symptoms of sleep apnea that show up when you wake up, since this is a problem that affects you throughout the night and any amount of sleep you’re actually getting. What types of symptoms should you record (and what might point to a sleep disorder)? Our Celina, TX team is happy to fill you in!


What Does Excellent Preventive Care Look Like?

When we talk with you about preventive care and all that it includes, you may think that it’s mostly just about brushing, flossing, and your twice-a-year visits with us for cleanings and checkups. You’re not wrong that these are major parts of keeping your smile safe and healthy: They are! However, when we’re talking about excellent prevention, there’s a bit more that goes into it! Let’s talk details, so you know you’re receiving all of the information you need from our Celina, TX team to keep your smile in beautiful condition.


Flossing: “Oops” Moments That Are Harming Your Oral Health

You might think you’re doing a pretty good job with your flossing. That is, until you meet with our Celina, TX practice for a checkup and we tell you that you could probably be doing a better job. Maybe you have developed some amount of gum inflammation or we simply see the buildup of plaque and tartar along your gumline. So, what might you be doing wrong, even though you are flossing on a daily basis as we suggest? There happen to be some very common “oops” oral health moments that patients end up falling victim to that we can quickly explain and that, as a result, you can very easily avoid!


Sleep Apnea: Right And Wrong Ways To Receive A Diagnosis

You may wonder how to figure out whether what you’ve been experiencing is actually the result of sleep apnea or if you are dealing with some other underlying issue. While you may recognize as you learn about potential side effects that can take a serious toll on your general well being that you should really receive a definitive diagnosis soon, you may not be entirely sure how to arrive at such an answer. Before you take this serious venture into your own hands, we suggest you consider our Celina, TX team’s recommendations regarding the better pathway toward the answers you need.


Toothbrush Assumptions That Are Hurting You

You might be making some assumptions about your toothbrush that are perfectly natural things to think and to follow through on. However, they might be hurting you! Remember, there’s no one set of universal toothbrush characteristics that works for everyone, though there are some standards to consider. So, how to make sure you’re protecting your oral health with thoughtful dental hygiene, a brush that’s going to be effective and safe for use, and more? By taking our Celina, TX practice’s details about choosing a brush as the ultimate guidebook, of course! Learn more, so you can avoid accidentally relying on not-so-accurate beliefs.


Dental Implants: Ease Up With That Daily Pressure

No, we’re not talking about emotional pressure. When it comes to protecting the dental implants you have replacing your natural missing teeth, we’re talking about physical pressure. “But don’t teeth have to withstand some amount of pressure for eating and talking?” you ask. Of course, they do! Fortunately, teeth, implants, and restorations can withstand quite a lot but they are not superheroes. We remind you that just like we suggest for your natural teeth, we recommend that you’re mindful with implants to treat them well without asking them to perform beyond their capacity, so you don’t run the risk of failure. Allow our Celina, TX practice to fill you in on the simple details surrounding best practices.
