Partial Dentures from Your Celina Dentist

Older Couple BeachDon’t think that your options for teeth replacement are limited to all or nothing. You don’t have to be missing all of your teeth to qualify for dentures. You don’t have to opt for dental implants as the only means to replace a small number of missing teeth. There is something called a partial denture, or dental bridge that can cover up the space from one or several missing teeth on any given arch. Your Celina dentist, Dr. Newton, will talk more about this form of restorative dentistry.

Hidden Downfalls of Missing Teeth

Unlike cosmetic issues or cavities and decay on back teeth, missing an entire tooth affects both the look and function of your mouth. Don’t think that ignoring a missing tooth that is in the back (and (more…)

Celina, TX Dentist Offers Tips for Keeping Your Natural Teeth

Older Couple Brushing TeethIf you have already lost teeth, you probably know that there are many options available to replace them. This is good news. Depending on the number and positioning of your tooth loss, you may opt for dental implants, partial implants, partial dentures, or full dentures. However, if you still have all of your teeth and they’re in relatively good condition, there are things you can do to ensure that you keep them well into old age. Your Celina, TX dentist, Dr. Newton, would like to offer you some tips on how to care for your natural smile for many years to come.

Tip #1: Floss Before You Brush

Many people get this backwards, but if you floss prior to brushing your teeth, you’ll be able to brush away the debris that you remove from between them. If you order the operations the way most people are used to, bacteria and food particles can end up sitting on your teeth for hours.

Tip #2: Brush With a Soft Toothbrush Twice-a-day

There’s no shame in wearing dentures, but once you have them, you may find yourself wishing that you’d just done a better job with (more…)

Celina Dentist Educates on Porcelain Veneers

SmilingWomanHave you ever had an accident that led to a broken tooth? Have you ever let tooth decay go to long and ended up with a tooth cracking or chipping on you? Have you ever bit into a popcorn kernel at the bottom of the bowl and felt a shooting pain and a funny feeling? There are so many ways that a tooth can become damaged. There are also different tactics to fixing front teeth versus back teeth. Your Celina dentist, Dr. Newton, can evaluate your particular case and come up with a plan for creating the smile of your dreams. Porcelain veneers are one of the most versatile cosmetic dental treatments. Read on to learn more.

The Versatility of Veneers

Cosmetic services available to our patients range from clear braces, dental bonding, professional teeth whitening, and Snap-On Smiles. All of these procedures can offer varying degrees of covering over chips, (more…)

Stop Snoring with Help from Your Celina, TX Dentist

SnoringFrustrationIf you have a loud snorer in your house, or your snoring is keeping others awake, you may be looking for ways to stop the insanity. Snoring may not seem like it affects the person that is doing it, but not only is it discourteous to anyone you share a room or bed with, but it could actually be a precursor to or sign of obstructive sleep apnea. Celina, TX dentist, Dr. Newton, has helped many patients with persistent snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and she would be happy to help you if you are struggling with such issues. (more…)

Start the Summer with Clean and Bright Teeth in Celina, TX

White Teeth CoupleIf you are planning a big summer full of travel, swimming, barbecues, and plenty of fun in the sun, looking good in a bathing suit may not be your only physical concern. A happy, healthy, bright, and confident smile is a sure-fire way to make a great impression to others, no matter what season is upon us. The best time to embark upon teeth whitening is after a dental checkup and cleaning. You want to be sure that you have a clean bill of dental healthy before exposing your teeth and gums to bleaching chemicals. Your Celina, TX cosmetic dentist, Dr. Newton, will tell you more.

Foundation for Successful Teeth Whitening

Before embarking upon any cosmetic dental procedures, it’s essential that you have a healthy and strong foundation.  This starts with you and your dental hygiene routine. Self-care should include brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association (ADA). Toothpaste should be fluoridated. Be sure to floss at least once each day. If you are doing all of these things, you are half way there. Don’t forget to keep up with dental checkups every six months.  A dental checkup and cleaning will ensure that gum disease and tooth decay are kept at bay. If treatment is necessary, Dr. Newton can let you know how long you should wait before exposing your teeth to any cosmetic dental procedures. Otherwise, you’re ready for teeth whitening.

A Whiter, Brighter Smile

Many patients complain of stained teeth when they come in for a checkup. Some staining is natural over time. Habits such as tobacco, coffee drinking, and consuming a lot of red wine (more…)

Scared of Dental Work? Celina Family Dentist Can Help

NervousWomanIf you have a fear of the dentist, you are far from alone. You are one of approximately 75% of people in the United States that have some level of dental anxiety. These feelings can range from light nerves to a full-blown phobia. For patients that are petrified about something as simple as a dental cleaning and checkup, their preventive care often gets put off for years upon years. When something like a cavity, infected root, chipped or cracked tooth, or any dental condition occurs, things can get much worse if you put off seeing your dentist. There was a time when you had two choices: fight through your fear, or put off going to the dentist long enough that you may actually lose teeth. Thankfully, your Celina family dentist, Dr. Newton, has some modern day solutions for helping fearful or anxious patients.

Something to Laugh About

The very first dentist to use nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) was Horace Wells. That was 1844, and since that time, millions of patients have been made much calmer by this soothing compound. Nitrous oxide is given to patients through the use of a mask which is put over your nose.  In spite of the name, very few people actually laugh when exposed to nitrous oxide, but feelings of giddiness, happiness, calmness, and euphoria are often reported. Laughing gas is even safe enough to give to children, and wears off so quickly that you’ll be back to normal by the time you leave the dentist’s chair.

Oral Conscious Sedation

If your procedure is more invasive such as a root canal therapy or cosmetic dental treatment, oral conscious sedation can offer you even deeper relaxation. You will be given a simple pill which contains anti-anxiety medication, along with instructions to take the medication an hour before your appointment. This way, you’ll have a much easier time getting through the (more…)

Celina Dentist Helps Decide if Oral Fractures are Emergencies

Pain in the jawFractures. They can be vary in depth, placement, and severity, but however you slice it, a fracture is basically a break. Breaking a tooth can be upsetting, scary, and embarrassing. Fractures are sometimes not as easy to spot. However, they can fester, deepen, or even cause cosmetic issues on your most visible teeth. Is a fracture a dental emergency? The best thing to do is to call your Celina dentist, Dr. Newton, if you have suffered from a crack or fracture in any part of your mouth and jaw, and let our team help you decide if you should come in to the office right away.

Do Cracked Teeth Always Require Dental Attention?

Any injury to your tooth that causes pain or even just feels odd should elicit quick action on your part. Fractures and cracks can’t always be seen or felt. Early identification can help you save your tooth from needing a full extraction. It is very important that the crack not reach the pulp chamber where your roots (more…)

Prosper Dentist Can Restore Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

TrueFalseBlackboxWalking around with even one missing tooth can be inconvenient at best and downright embarrassing at worst. When you are missing entire arches, or even your entire mouth of teeth, you will look nothing like the person you’re used to. Teeth are important for both appearance and function. The inability to smile will decrease your quality of life. You also need your teeth to chew and speak properly. Teeth even keep your jawbone at a healthy density. So what should you do if you lose your teeth? Prosper dentist, Dr. Newton, wants to find out if you already have the answers by challenging you to this quiz on dental implants.


Q1. True or false – Dental implants include the root replacement rod and a tooth-like dental crown.

Q2. True or false – The only advantage of dental implants is that they don’t slip like dentures sometimes can.

Q3. True or false – Dental implants can be cleaned just like regular teeth.

Answers (more…)

Prosper Dentist Discusses How Gum Disease Affects Women

Dr. Newton, your  Prosper family dentist, takes pride in having a special understanding of her female patients. Hormone fluctuations during certain times in a woman’s life can put the female members of our species at a much higher risk for periodontal disease. Gum disease is the primary cause of tooth loss in the United States, afflicting approximately 80% of the population, so we already have the odds against us.

Gum Disease Symptoms

Gum disease has been linked to many other systemic health issues: strokes, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and even pre-term labor. Early gum disease is marked by such mild symptoms that it may go unnoticed until it’s more severe. If there are symptoms, the main ones generally seep to be:

  • Tender/Swollen Gums
  • Pink/Red/Purple/Gum Tissue
  • Bleeding Gums

Hormone Related Gum Disease

At the various times of life that generally come along with major hormonal fluctuations for women, there can be a greater chance of gum disease incidence. Puberty, pregnancy, middle-age, and menopause would be examples of times when hormonal related gum disease would most likely be seen. When gum disease starts, it cannot be stopped completely, but it can certainly be controlled.

Preventing Gum Disease

Gum disease is an inflammatory issue. Infection of gingival tissues usually results from plaque and tartar buildup at the gumline. Brushing and flossing twice a day can reduce plaque and bacteria from breeding by the thousands in your mouth. Plaque that is not cleaned off by brushing and flossing will harden into tartar (also known as calculus) in about 48 hours. Tartar will have to be removed by a professional dental hygienist for your safety. Depending on the health of your gums, your hygienist or dentist may recommend a special oral hygiene regimen or a deep cleaning to control gum disease.

 Consult with Prosper Family Dentist

If you are a woman of any age that is due for a dental checkup, your Prosper family dentist would love to see you. Call (214) 851-0130 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Newton at our 75009 dentist office. We welcome patients from Celina, Prosper, Gunter, Frisco, Anna, Pilot Point, McKinney, and other nearby communities.

Gorgeous Smiles in a Snap from Prosper, TX Cosmetic Dentist

SmilingThere are several ways to deal with cosmetic flaws on your teeth. Some of them are very time consuming and costly. Others might not give you the desired results. If you’re hoping to improve the appearance of your smile in one of the easiest and most efficient ways, consider the Snap-On Smile. Dr. Newton, your Prosper, TX cosmetic dentist is one of the area’s first dentists to ever have been trained in this amazing technology. Read on to learn more about the Snap-On Smile.

Snap-On Smile Defined

Picture an oral appliance that fits over your natural teeth, actually snapping into place for an instant, secure, and gorgeous new smile. Snap-On Smile is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that doesn’t alter your teeth in any way. This means the process is reversible, removable, and customizable. If your mouth structure should change in any way over time, or if you decide that you want another look you can easily change things up. The Snap-On Smile appliance is great for gapped, crooked, stained, or missing teeth, and can cover up imperfections on both your upper and lower teeth.

The Snap-On Procedure: What to Expect

At your first visit with your Prosper, TX cosmetic dentist, an impression of your teeth will be taken so that we can customize the size and fit of your new smile. You will consult with Dr. Newton regarding the style and shade you want for the apparatus. You’ll get to see an image of what your new smile will look like before the procedure even (more…)