Do you have unsightly stains on your teeth? If so, the cause could be related to poor oral hygiene habits, certain foods and drinks, and other factors. But what can you do? Well, with professional teeth whitening from your Celina, TX, dentist, we can brighten your smile by several shades, and offer tips for keeping your new results strong for months to come.
Could Botox® Treat Teeth Grinding?
In our last blog, we looked at how we could use an oral appliance to treat a common but serious issue like bruxism, However, did you know we could also employ Botox® to treat teeth grinding? In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist will explain how a facial esthetic treatment could ease strain in your smile.
Don’t Let Teeth Grinding Ruin Your Smile
Bruxism is a disorder in which we regularly grind or clench our teeth at night as we sleep. While all of us grind our teeth sometimes, this disorder means it happens frequently enough to damage your teeth and lead to major complications! In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist explains how we treat bruxism to prevent teeth grinding from ruining your smile.
Safeguarding Smiles With SDF
When you have a tooth at risk of developing a cavity, we could halt the rate of demineralization and the onset of decay with a unique preventive treatment. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist looks at the benefits of safeguarding smiles of all ages using silver diamine fluoride (SDF). We’re also going to talk about traditional fluoride treatments and our lifelike composite resin dental fillings too!
How Do We Protect Kids From Cavities?
From poor oral health habits to an overconsumption of sugar, there are a number of reasons kids could develop cavities. Unless treated, tooth decay could mean premature tooth loss and dental misalignment, as well as painful symptoms. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about the steps we take to prevent the onset of tooth decay in little smiles.
Schedule Your Next Checkup Today!
We recently discussed how a cleaning helps keep smiles strong, and why you may need a scaling and root planing if your gums appear sore or red. But what about exams? In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist will look at what happens in a checkup that makes exams so valuable for the health and strength of your smile.
Removing Plaque Protects Your Smile
Over time, everything from the foods and drinks we consume, to our oral health habits, could determine how much plaque accumulates on our teeth. This bacterial byproduct not only causes bad breath and teeth stains, but could lead to decay and gum disease. To protect smiles, your Celina, TX, dentist will remove the buildup with a dental cleaning.
Treating Sleep Apnea Without A CPAP Machine
While effective for treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), many people find the CPAP machine to be loud, uncomfortable, and may simply forgo its use. Which is why your Celina, TX, dentist is happy to offer a comfortable and minimally-invasive alternative. Instead of the CPAP device, we can create a comfortable sleep appliance.
Testing For Sleep Apnea From Your Home
In our last blog, we talked about how obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) could cause you to stop breathing, interrupting your sleep cycle and even straining your immune system and cardiovascular system. But how do we diagnose the issue and offer treatment? In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about our home sleep test!
What Do You Know About Sleep Apnea?
Did you know that millions of Americans have trouble sleeping due to a serious disorder? Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) not only leaves you exhausted, but could even impact your overall health and quality of life with time. In today’s blog, your Celina, TX, dentist talks about diagnosing sleep apnea, and the treatment options we use to address this common disorder.
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